精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 岩土工程勘察技术任务书(简明一次性详勘) Geotechnical specification 勘查技术要求 Technical requirements of Geotechnical investigation 1. 根据国家及上海市现行的岩土工程勘察法律规范及地基基础设计法律规范的有关要求进行详勘。 To conduct detailed geotechnical investigation in accordance with the current Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering and Code for design of building foundation。 2. 查明不良地质作用的类型、成因、分布范围、进展趋势和危害程度,提出整治方案的建议。 To find outadverse geologic actions, if any, analyze its type, cause of ation, distribution range, development trend and degree of damage。 And then propose some comments about how tomake improvement based on the analysis。 3. 查明建筑范围内各土层的类型、深度、分布、工程特性,分析和评价地基的稳定性、均匀性和承载力.提供适宜的基础持力层,如该持力层的深度有较大变化,应适当增加勘探点间距以保证基础埋深的准确性。如建议采纳桩基,应提供桩基设计所需的有关参数,提出桩的类型、长度、桩尖持力层和沉桩方式的建设。提供单桩承载力(含抗压、抗拔及水平力)的计算参数,预估单桩抗压、抗拔及水平承载力的极限值、特征值及设计值。 l To ascertain the type, depth and distribution of various soil layers within the building area as well as the engineering characteristics; l To analyze and uate the stability, uniity and bearing capacity of ground foundation; l To make proper foundation bearing stratum available, and if depth of bearing stratum changes a lot, distance among exploratory points shall be increased to ensure that the depth of foundation embedment is correct; l If pile foundation is suggested, offer relevant parameters necessary for pile foundation design, pile type, pile length, bearing stratum of pile tip and pile sinking ; l To offer the parameters by which the bearing capacity of single pile is calculated(including uplift resistance, compressive strength and lateral resistance; l To estimate the ultimate value, eigenvalue and design value of uplift resistance, compressive strength and lateral resistance of single pile。 4. 提供变形计算参数,进行基础变形验算,预测建筑物的变形特征. To offer deation calculation parameters, check the calculation of foundation deation and forecast building deation characteristic。 5. 查明埋藏的水井、水池、原有地下构筑物及地下管线等不利物的埋深及走向,在建筑物基础范围内的提出处理措施. To find out buried well, reservoir, existed underground structure and underground pipeline, if any, analyze the embedded depth and running direction; propose appropriate treatment measures。 6. 查明地下水的埋藏条件,提供地下水的类型、水位及其变化幅度、稳定水位、历年最高水位及抗浮水位。根据岩土的埋藏条件及地下水位,对设计院预估的基础埋置深度提出调整的建议.判定水和土对建筑材料的腐蚀性。 To spot ground water situation and provide its type, water level and range of variation, fixed level, maximum level in the past several years and level against floatation; put forward comments about how to adjust foundation embedded depth estimated by design institute based on the buried condition of rocks and underground water level; judge whether water and soil cause erosion to building material。 7. 进行场地和地基地震效应的岩土工程勘察,根据国家批准的地震动参数区划和有关法律规范,确定勘查场地的抗震设防烈度、设计基本地震加速度和设计特征周期、地震分组及场地土类别。判定地基土有无液化可能,并提供液化报告,确定液化等级,提出防治措施或处理方法。 To conduct geotechnical investigation for seismic effect of construction site and ground foundation; determine seismic fortification intensity, design basic seismic accele