精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 中英文合同付款方式变更协议模板模板 采购合同(合同号xxx)变更协议 Amendment to Purchasing Contract xxxxx 关于由xxxxx公司(简称“买方”) 和xxxx有限公司(简称“卖方”)于201x年x月xx日签署的关于xxx项目xxx采购合同(合同号xxx,以下简称“本合同”),因信用证已过期或船期/交货期问题,经双方协商,此合同项下的xxx费用的付款方式做以下变更 Regarding xxxx project xxxxxxpurchasing contract contract no. xxx, hereafter named “this contract” signed between xxxx Hereafter named as the buyer and xxxxHereafter named as the seller on 201x-x-xx, now due to xxxx, after friendly negotiation by two parties , the payment terms of the cladding test costs under this contract need to be amended as follows 变更前the original 100即期可转让信用证。 100 transferable LC at sight 变更后Amended to 100电汇。100TT. 本协议一式两份双方各执一份,自双方授权代表签字并盖章后立即生效。 This agreement will have two originals, one for each party. This agreement shall become effective immediately after the signatures of the two parties below. 买方 卖方 The Buyer The Seller xxxx有限公司 xxx有限公司 xxxxxt Co., Ltd. Xxxx xLimited