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dear sir/madam, during her half a year study on “lecture on chinese history”, i was astonished by her industriousness and carefulness. she put her heart and considerable intelligence into the work. she accepts responsibility and is meticulous in doing her best in everything she does. in her, i see the qualities of a good researcher, including dedication, ability to work independently and in groups, and high professional standards. qiu xia would spend a great amount of efforts and time in reading outside articles and textbooks and share her ideas with the class. in addition, as open- minded individual who never let go any learning experience, qiu xia often came to the professor discussing various questions and problems she encountered in her coursework, especially when she was responsible for leading the project “audiences psychology research the effect towards mass media ”. once i talked to one professor who teaches her in the course of “introduction to journalism”. the teacher told me that qiu xia always had questions to ask after class. many of the questions are from her outside reading material instead of the textbook. at the meantime, it seemed that she often had a deep thinking about many theories and discussed her thoughts with him. i appreciate her thoughtful ability very much and it is a quite crucial ability that a further study asks for. the very positive impression made by qiu xia has been repeatedly re- enforced by her strong perance in various intra-curricular activities. qiu has managed to earn full confidence in her sound managerial potential by demonstrating an intelligence, aggressiveness, and leadership quality in these activities. i still remembered her excellent perance in nanjing normal university broadcasting station. as an editor, she worked as news broadcasting, movies and travelling programs’ director. from these experiences, i believe, she has trained to be well in news editing. i do appreciate the education system in hong kong. in terms of her academic basis, i believe, she will do well in her futher studies there. in general, i consider qiu xia a very promising applicant to your esteemed postgraduate program. i have the least reservation on her potential to succeed in her future educational as well as professional pursuit, and willbe more than happy to discuss with you any matters pertaining to this reference letter. sincerely yours, professor zhang lianhong er dean of honor student college director of office of academic affairs email phone 86-13951913964 nanjing normal university篇二优秀学生校长推荐信 校长推荐信 您好 很高兴能够以这样的形式向你们推荐我校优秀学生***同学。 作为看着她一步步成长 的校长,能够看到自己学校优秀的学生升入自己心仪的学校去深造,这是我人生中最快乐的 事了。同时,作为一名校长,我觉得把优秀的学生推荐给优秀的高中是我义不容辞的责任。 希望我的这封推荐信能够让你们更多更好地了解她。 我对她的了解始于三年多以前他们班级的一次主题班会。作为班长她是那次主题班会的 当然主角,严密的逻辑、流畅的表达,她所表演的优美的舞蹈给我留下了深刻的印象,特别 是会后听班主任老师说整个班会都是由她组织策划的,我对这个有着男生气质的小女孩更加 刮目相看了。 尽管***同学在各种集体活动中付出了大量的时间和精力, 但这丝毫没有影响她的学业成 绩。她勤奋好学,勇于拼搏,各门功课成绩优良,均衡稳定,年级前十名总少不了她的身影 并且多次在市区竞赛中得奖。她能文能武,在绿茵场上总能看到她矫健的身姿。每次校运动 会,她总能得到年级长


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