精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 铅、镉胁迫对双孢蘑菇生长及其生理生化活性的影响的开题报告 摘要 双孢蘑菇是一种广泛应用于食品工业的食用菌类,但环境中的重金属污染威胁着双孢蘑菇的产量和质量。本文讨论了铅、镉胁迫对双孢蘑菇生长和生理生化特性的影响。讨论发现,铅、镉胁迫会显著抑制双孢蘑菇的生长和发育。同时,胁迫条件下双孢蘑菇的主要生理生化活性也发生了变化,如过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化氢酶等的活性和蛋白质含量明显下降。但是,对于一些抗氧化物的代表性活性,如超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶等,则表现出一定的适应性。 通过本讨论可以得出,铅、镉胁迫对双孢蘑菇的生长和代谢活性均产生了负面影响。因此,应当加强环境保护与治理工作,以保护双孢蘑菇资源的产量和质量。 关键词铅、镉胁迫;双孢蘑菇;生长;生理生化特性 Abstract The effect of lead and cadmium stress on the growth and physiological and biochemical activities of Agaricus bisporus were investigated in this study. The results showed that lead and cadmium stress significantly inhibited the growth and development of A. bisporus. Under stress conditions, the main physiological and biochemical activities of A. bisporus also changed significantly, such as the decrease of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and catalase activities and protein content. However, for some representative activities of antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase and peroxidase, there was a certain degree of adaptability. This study showed that lead and cadmium stress had negative effects on the growth and metabolic activities of A. bisporus. Therefore, environmental protection and control should be strengthened to protect the yield and quality of A. bisporus resources. Keywords lead and cadmium stress; Agaricus bisporus; growth; physiological and biochemical characteristics.