Unit Ten TEXTS 1 some have an IQ score as high as 135 indicating they are very superior in everything. The splitting and paraphrasing rcises are done only when the students have difficulty in understanding these sentences demonstrated in their answers.Or the keys to the rcises can be used by the teacher in his sum-up of the students’ answers. 1.2.How is his definition different from the commonly held one The notion of the gifted is normally associated with a high level of intelligence, but Mott’s definition emphasizes interest and ability as well as intelligence. 1.3.Do you think this is importantIn what way is this relevant to his argument Mott begins his essay by making clear what he means by the gifted.This is definitely important. Mott’s argument is to a large extent based on the definition of the gifted.Whether grouping the gifted can yield positive results has Much to do with what the gifted is taken to mean.Note the 1st sentence of para.6. 2.What does Mott think of the way to deal with the giftedparas.3, 4 I firmly believe that we should group them as nearly as possible according to interest and ability giftedness and challenge them with a type of program that will help them to grow to the fullest extent of their abilities and capacities.paraphraseLW6-2 2 I am of the opinion that children should be grouped according to their interest and ability and be subject to a of training that will develop their abilities and capacities to the utmost. i.e.to group the gifted according to their interest and ability and offer them relevant programs in order to maximize their potential. This grouping can take the of special subject arrangements in the elementary grades, a situation in which a class is heterogeneously grouped most of the day but is divided at times into special interest or ability class groups for special instruction.split LW5-3 The grouping could take the of special subject arrangements in the elementary grades.According to this plan, a class is heterogeneously grouped most of the day, but is divided at times into special interest or ability class groups for special instruction. i.e.In the elementary grades, the gifted can join heterogeneous classes most of the time, but attend sometimes the class to meet their special interest or ability by special instruction. In high school, it may take the of grouping students in regular classes according to any number of criteria but basically those of interest and proficiency or lack of proficiency in various subject areas. In high school, the gifted may be grouped into regular classes according to their interest or talent/proficiency. Section twoSection two Step 2Step 2Class discussion on the questions given above.Class discussion on the questions given above.30 mins. 3.What opposing views does Mott single out for refutationHow does he defend his ideasOD2paras.5, 6, 7, 10, 11 3.1.Two opposing views are singled out for refutation. a.Groupi