is one of theis one of the practical practical of values.of values.The so-called valThe so-called values refers to the objective tues refers to the objective t hings are of no value and the value of fundamentalhings are of no value and the value of fundamentalperspective. Different valueperspective. Different value s, pes, peoplesoples behavibehaviour, attitudeour, attitudes, wayss, ways are different. Peopleare different. People -oriente-oriented focus on human vald focus on human val ue and reality, we neeue and reality, we nee d the brd the broadeoadest masses as valuest masses as value s. Adhere to pes. Adhere to pe opleople-oriente-oriented values, is to make the economy more develd values, is to make the economy more devel opment, iopment, i mprovemprove dedemocrmocracy, cultacy, cultural prural prosperity, and live aosperity, and live a happier; ishappier; is deeply concerned that human develdeeply concerned that human devel opment and human valopment and human val ues, deveues, deve lopmentlopment of sociof social and human develal and human devel opment of rational unified, insisted in topment of rational unified, insisted in t he materialhe material civilizaticivilization,on, political civilipolitical civili zatiozation and spiritn and spirit ual civilizatiual civilizati on in the overall advancement of Socion in the overall advancement of Soci alist civilialist civilization to a hization to a higher level. Algher level. Al so want to see that persons valso want to see that persons val ue is not onlyue is not only meet your needs,meet your needs, also ialso is to meet thes to meet the needsneeds of others and the community. Adhere to peof others and the community. Adhere to pe opleople-orie-oriented, to strongly advocate every community mented, to strongly advocate every community me mbember, serve otr, serve others, behers, beneficial tneficial to the community of people. Theo the community of people. The so-calledso-called OutlOutlook, attitude is on the record, including who,ook, attitude is on the record, including who,how tohow to create a record of achievecreate a record of achieve ments, how tments, how t o uateo uate peranceperance , and so, and so on.on. What valWhat values, wues, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to pehat kind of Outlook. Adhere to pe opleople-orie-oriented Outlook, inted Outlook, i s on ts on the prehe premise of respecting the interestsmise of respecting the interests andand powerpower of peoplof people, creatie, creating ang a popular, warpopular, warm hearts, steadym hearts, steady heheart perforart perfor mance, cremance, creating “serve for one officer, tating “serve for one officer, t he benefit of“ achievehe benefit of“ achieve ments,ments, andand overall constructionoverall construction of well-off society and promotiof well-off society and promoti ng theng the all-rall-round develound development of peopment of pe oplesoples perance. Achieveperance. Achieve mement ev