一组质量管理体系术语中英双语 English Chinese receipt(入厂)接受,验收,进货 handling搬运 packaging包装 storage保存 protection 保护 comparison 比较 identification标识 replacement of identification mark标识标志更换 maintenance of identification标识的保持 records of identification control标识控制记录 tender 标书 normative document标准文件 supplemental补充 nonconing product 不合格品 control of nonconing product不合格品控制 control procedure of nonconing products不合格品控制程序 tendency of nonconance 不合格倾向 purchasing采购 verification of purchased product采购的产品验证 purchasing process 采购过程 purchasing control procedure采购控制程序 purchasing ination采购信息 reference standard参照标准 reference instructions参照细则 stockhouse仓库 measurement, analysis and improvement测量,分析和改进 measurement result 测量结果 control procedure of monitoring and measuring devices测量设备控制程序 planning策划 preservation of product产品保护 control procedure for maintenance, replacement andrecords of product identification产品标识的保持, 更换及记录控制程序 procedure for product identification and traceability产品标识和可追溯性程序 conity of product产品的符合性 monitoring and measurement of product产品的监督和测量 product plan 产品方案 control procedure for product preservation产品防护控制程序 of product release产品放行方法 conity of product,product conity产品符合性 product realization产品实现 planning of product realization产品实现策划 product characteristics产品特性 to product requirements产品要求的输入 product status 产品状态 final acceptance of product产品最后验收 procedure程序 program documents 程序文件 continual improvement 持续改进 procedure for continual improvement of quality management system持续改进质量 体系程序 adequacy 充分性 storage location存放地点 agency personnel 代理人员 submission of tenders递交标书 adjustment调整,调节 statutory and regulatory requirements法律法规要求 rework, vt 返工 repair, vt返修 subcontractor 分承包方 annex 附录 improvement 改进 improvement actions 改进措施 on-the-job training岗位技能培训 responsibility of individual department and post各部门, 各岗位职责 change identification更改标记 change order number更改单编号 process sheets 工艺单 process specification工艺规程 procedureprocess card工艺规程 工艺卡 process characteristics工艺特性 Job Description at 工种描述单 work environment工作环境 impartiality公正性 functional requirements功能要求 supplier 供方 supplier uation procedure供方评价程序 supplier provided special processes供方提供的特殊过程 verification at suppliers premises供方现场验证 supply chain 供应链 criteria for supplier selection, uation and re-uation供应商选择、评估和再 评估准则 communication 沟通 customer 顾客 customer property 顾客财产 control procedure for customer property顾客财产控制程序 customer feedback 顾客反馈 Customer Service Contact 顾客服务联系表 customer cummunications 顾客沟通 customer satisfaction顾客满意 statistical analysis of customer satisfaction顾客满意度统计分析 customer complaint 顾客投诉 identificaion of customer requirements顾客要求的识别 management review 管理评审 records from management review 管理评审记录 management review control procedure管理评审控制程序 management representative 管理者代表 management responsibility管理职责 specified limits of acceptability规定的可接受界限 specified use 规定的用途 process过程 complexity of processes过程的复杂性 monitoring and measurement of processes过程的监视和测量 operation of