. 英语常用课堂用语总结英语常用课堂用语总结 英语课堂用语(英语课堂用语(1 1)) 许多同学在面试中对于全英授课十分担忧,担心自己口语不好,其实真是的英文 课堂不用多么复杂的表达,我们需要考虑学生的程度。所以在此提供一些常用的 课堂用语,大家平时背下来,考试的时候就不怕了。 1.Greetings Hi.Class/Children/Everybody/Boysandgirls. Howareyoutoday Fine,thanks.Howareyou Howareyoudoing,Susan Nottoobad./Verywell./Okay/Prettygood./Great/ Howisitgoing Howaboutyou/Whataboutyou Howarethingswithyou,John Sameasbefore./Nothingunusual./Nothingspecial. Nothingnew./Busyasusual. 2.SayingGoodbye Byenow 教育资料 . Seeyou Seeyoutomorrow/nextweek. Seeyousoon Haveaniceday/weekend/vacation Haveagoodtime Enjoyyourweekend/vacation 3.Classtime 1BeginningaClass Shallwestart Canwebegin Timeforclass It’stimetostartourclass. Areyoureadytostart Iseverybodyreadyforclass Let’sbeginwithsomelistening/speaking/reading/writing. 2Askingaboutabsences Isanybodyabsent Iseverybodyhere Who’snotheretoday Who’sabsenttoday WhoknowswhereSusanis 教育资料 . HasanyoneseenAmytoday What’swrongwithMary 3Askingaboutreasonsforbeinglate/absent WhathappenedtoMary What’sthematter Areyousick Haveyougotacold/flu Whyareyoulate Wherehaveyoubeen Didyoumissthebus Didyouoversleep Wasthetrafficbad 4BreakTime Let’stake/haveabreak. Haveashortbreaknow. Takeabreakforfiveminutes. Time’sup.Youcangonow. Classisover. Classisdismissed. That’sallforthismorning. It’stimetostop. 教育资料 . 英语课堂用语(英语课堂用语(2 2)) 原创 2017-04-12 陈阳 陈阳一师道 Teaching listening,speaking, reading and writing Just listen. Don’t repeat. Listen with your books closed. Listen carefully and do what I say. Listen to my questions first. Say it with me. Look at my mouth. Watch my lips. How do you say the first word How do you spell “flower” Look at the picture and tell me what you see. What do you call this in English What doesmean What’s the opposite of “happy” What’s the difference between the sentences Don’t read it out. Just read it silently, please. 教育资料 . You may look at your book this time. Let’s try it with the books open. Let’s try it with the books closed. Let’s do a role play. Who wants to be Mr. Green Who would like to act out the dialogue for us Do you want to be Mary or Mark Let’s read the text aloud. Write your name on the cover/at the top. Write it on the board. Write it neatly. Copy the new words. Copy it down in your notebook. Make a note of this. Take notes on what I say in your notebook. Could you take out a piece of paper Could you find a pen for me Take out your books. Give me your homework. 教育资料 . Show me your pens. One book for every three students. There’s one set of pictures for each group. Can you share with Jack, please Would you mind sharing with Jack Is there anybody without a copy Is there anyone who hasn’t got a copy Can you find the right page Do you know where we are Turn back to page 21. It’s right at the top/bottom. It’s in the middle of the page. It’s about half way down. It’s on the left-hand side/the right-hand side. 英语课堂用语(英语课堂用语(3 3)) Checking comprehension Understand Do you get it Got it 教育资料 .