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美丽中国(美丽中国(Wild ChinaWild China)) 第二集第二集 香格里拉香格里拉 Shangri-LaShangri-La 翻腾的云海之下 Beneath billowing clouds, 在中国西南遥远的云南省 in Chinas far southwestern Yunnan province, 有一个神秘而又充满传奇的地方 lies a place of mystery and legend. 这儿有着世界上最久远的雨林以及奔腾的河流 Of mighty rivers and some ofthe oldest jungles in the world. 藏匿于此的河谷养育了奇异而又独特的动物 Here, hidden valleys nurture strange and unique creatures, 同时也孕育了多彩的民族风情 and colourful tribal cultures. 雨林在远离热带的北部地区是罕见的 Jungles are rarely found this far north of the tropics. 可是 为什么却得以在此茁壮成长 So, why do they thrive here 为何整个中国崎岖不平的山地里 却蕴藏着富饶多姿的自然财富 And how has this rugged landscape come to harbour the greatest natural wealth in all China 在中国西南部的一个偏远的角落里 In the remote southwest corner of China, 即将举行一场庆典 a celebration is about to take place. 傣族人为他们一年中最重要的节日收集水 Dai people collect water for the most important festival of their year. 傣族人也称自己为水之民 The Dai call themselves the people of the water. 云南的河谷地带 是他们的两千多年来繁衍生息的故里 Yunnans river valleys have been their home for over 2,000 years. 把河水带到寺庙 By bringing the river water to the temple, 敬俸傣族人最神圣的两件事物 they honour the two things holiest to them - 佛教和他们的家园 Buddhism and their home. 傣族人感恩养育了傣族文化的河流以及肥沃的土地 The Dai give thanks for the rivers and fertile lands which have nurtured their culture. 或许这看上去只是为了打上一场大水仗的借口 Though to some it might seem just an excuse for the biggest water fight of all time. 随着小镇的发展以及现代化 傣族人的生活正发生着改变 Dai lives are changing as towns get bigger and modernize 泼水节依旧是众所周知的 著名的傣族节日 but the Water Splashing Festival is still celebrated by all. 河流穿越了傣族人生活与习俗的心脏地带 The rivers which lie at the heart of Dai life and culture 发源于西藏遥远的山脉之中 flow from the distant mountains of Tibet, 河水向南流经了宏伟的平行峡谷中的云南中部 southward through central Yunnan in great parallel gorges. 傣族人现在居住在与越南以及老挝接壤的热带地区 The Dai now live in the borders of tropical Vietnam and Laos, 他们的传说讲述了先辈是怎样来到这儿的 but their legends tell of how their ancestors came here 从寒冷而又遥远的北方山区顺流而下 by following the rivers from mountain lands in the cold far north. 头枕着遥远的喜马拉雅山脉东部的末端 Lying at the far eastern end of the Himalayas, 横断山脉构成了滇北的边界并与西藏相交 the Hengduan mountains Yunnans northern border with Tibet. 卡瓦格博峰是横断山脉之上的王冠 也是圣洁朝圣者旅途的一站 Kawakarpo, crown of the Hengduan range, is a site of holy pilgrimage. 然而 她那令人敬畏的顶点至今未被征服 Yet, its idable peak remains unconquered. 云南的山不但遥远而且崎岖 Yunnans mountains are remote, rugged and inaccessible. 这里空气稀薄而且气温能骤降至零下四十度 Here the air is thin and temperatures can drop below minus 40 degrees. 这里是地球上独一无二的动物 This is home to an animal thats found nowhere else on Earth. 又称扁鼻黑金丝猴即传说中的雪猴 滇金丝猴的家园 The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey. 只有在极少数与世隔绝的山林中 才能看到它们的踪影 Its found only in these few isolated mountain forests. 在如此高海拔的地区 难以寻觅其它灵长类动物的踪迹 No other primate lives at such high altitudes. 这些是真正的专家 but these are true specialists. 这些出没在远古深山中的原住民 有着一些通灵的传说 These ancient mountain dwellers have inspired legends. 当地的傈僳族人就把它们当作自己的祖先 Local Lisu people consider them their ancestors, 并把它们称为“山中野老” calling them “the wild men of the mountains“. 在大雪之中即使是


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