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此文档为此文档为 wordword 格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改 毕毕 业业 设设 计计 题题目目智能垃圾桶系统的设计智能垃圾桶系统的设计 姓姓名名 许志兴许志兴 系系部部理理 工工 系系 年级专业年级专业20112011级级电电 子子 信信 息息 工工 程程 指导教师指导教师徐徐 丽丽 莎莎 年年月月日日 1 摘摘 要要 本文设计了一种基于本文设计了一种基于 STC89C52RCSTC89C52RC 的多功能垃圾箱控制系统。的多功能垃圾箱控制系统。 该系统主要由超声该系统主要由超声 波测距电路、光电感应模块、电机驱动模块和语音报警模块等功能模块组成,以超声波波测距电路、光电感应模块、电机驱动模块和语音报警模块等功能模块组成,以超声波 传感器、传感器、RPR220RPR220 光电传感器和单片机为核心,通过传感器采集距离信息,再经过光电传感器和单片机为核心,通过传感器采集距离信息,再经过 ADAD 转转 换让单片机发出指令,如果超声波传感器检测到人与垃圾箱的距离小于设定距离,则垃换让单片机发出指令,如果超声波传感器检测到人与垃圾箱的距离小于设定距离,则垃 圾箱自动翻盖,圾箱自动翻盖,如果如果 RPR220RPR220 光电检测到垃圾箱已满,光电检测到垃圾箱已满,系统就会进行语音提示。系统就会进行语音提示。本系统具本系统具 有结构简单、性能稳定、操作方便、低成本、智能化等优点,为进一步隔离人与垃圾,有结构简单、性能稳定、操作方便、低成本、智能化等优点,为进一步隔离人与垃圾, 防止人感染细菌找到了一个可行的解决方法。防止人感染细菌找到了一个可行的解决方法。 关键词关键词 单片机,超声波传感器,单片机,超声波传感器,RPR220RPR220 光电传感器,垃圾箱光电传感器,垃圾箱 TitleTitle A Multifunctional Bin Control SystemA Multifunctional Bin Control System AbstractAbstract ThisThis paperpaper designsdesigns a a multifunctionalmultifunctional binbin controlcontrol systemsystem basedbased onon STC89C52RC.STC89C52RC. TheThe corescores ofof thisthis systemsystem areare ultrasonicultrasonic sensor,sensor, RPR220RPR220 photoelectricphotoelectric sensorsensor andand singlesingle chipchip microcomputer SCM. It consists of power circuit, sensor circuit, clock circuit and voicemicrocomputer SCM. It consists of power circuit, sensor circuit, clock circuit and voice alarm module, etc. Using the sensor to collect distance ination, then the inationalarm module, etc. Using the sensor to collect distance ination, then the ination is to be conversed by AD, causes the SCM issues an instruction. If the ultrasonic sensoris to be conversed by AD, causes the SCM issues an instruction. If the ultrasonic sensor detects that the distance between people and dustbin is smaller than set distance, dustbindetects that the distance between people and dustbin is smaller than set distance, dustbin lid would open automatically. If RPR220 photoelectric detects that dustbin is chock-full,lid would open automatically. If RPR220 photoelectric detects that dustbin is chock-full, the system would issue a voice message. This system , low cost and intelligentization. Andthe system would issue a voice message. This system , low cost and intelligentization. And wouldwould realizerealize automaticautomatic flipflip ofof dustbin,dustbin, voicevoice promptprompt ofof dustbindustbin beingbeing chock-fullchock-full andand regularregular sprayingspraying disinfectant.disinfectant. ThusThus it it is is a a feasiblefeasible toto completelycompletely isolateisolate peoplepeople and rubbish, and prevent people from infecting with the bacteria on garbage.and rubbish, and prevent people from infecting with the bacteria on garbage. KeyKey termsterms singlesingle chipchip microcomputer,microcomputer, UltrasonicUltrasonic sensors,sensors, RPR220RPR220 photoelectricphotoelectric sensors, dustbinsensors, dustbin 目目录录 1 1引言引言 . .3 3 1.11.1 选题的依据及意义选题的依据及意义 3 3 1.21.2 我国垃圾处理现状我国垃圾处


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