Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane SurveyingUnit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying (大地测量与平面测量)(大地测量与平面测量) SurveyingSurveyinghashasbeenbeentraditionallytraditionallydefineddefinedasasthetheartartandandsciencescienceofof determining the position of natural and artificial features on, above ordetermining the position of natural and artificial features on, above or belowbelow thethe earthearth’’s s surface;surface; andand representingrepresenting thisthis inationination inin analoganalog as a contoured map, paper plan or chart, or as figures in report tables, oras a contoured map, paper plan or chart, or as figures in report tables, or in digital as a three dimensional mathematical model stored in thein digital as a three dimensional mathematical model stored in the puter. (测(测 量传统定量传统定 义为确义为确 定定地表、地表、 地地下和地下和地 上上的自然的自然 与人工地貌与人工地貌 特征特征 【【featuresfeatures 形态、形态、 特征】特征】 ;; 并使之按比例并使之按比例 【【inin analoganalog 】】 测绘成地形图测绘成地形图 【【contouredcontoured mapmap】】 、平面图【、平面图【paper planpaper plan】或图表,或形成报告图表,或以数字形式形成三维立】或图表,或形成报告图表,或以数字形式形成三维立 体数学模型存储进计算机。体数学模型存储进计算机。 )) As such, the surveyor/geodesist dealt with the physical and mathematicalAs such, the surveyor/geodesist dealt with the physical and mathematical aspect of measurement.aspect of measurement. (同样的,测量员(同样的,测量员/ /大地测量学家处理的就是测量出的物大地测量学家处理的就是测量出的物 理的和数学的特征)理的和数学的特征) TheThe accurateaccurate determinationdetermination andand monumentationmonumentation【标石、标志】【标石、标志】 of of pointspoints onon thethe surface of the Earth is therefore seen as the major task.surface of the Earth is therefore seen as the major task.(因此精确确定(因此精确确定 并标定地表点位便成为测量的主要任务)并标定地表点位便成为测量的主要任务) Though these surveys are for various purposes, still the basic operationsThough these surveys are for various purposes, still the basic operations are the same---they involve measurements and computations or, basically,are the same---they involve measurements and computations or, basically, fieldworkfieldwork andand officeoffice work.work. (虽然测量工作有不同目的,(虽然测量工作有不同目的, 基本的操作却都一样基本的操作却都一样 他们包括测量和计算,或更基本地称之为,外业工作和内业工作)他们包括测量和计算,或更基本地称之为,外业工作和内业工作) ThereThere areare manymany differentdifferent typestypes ofof surveyssurveys suchsuch asas landland surveys,surveys, routeroute surveys,surveys, citycitysurveys,surveys,constructionconstructionsurveys,surveys,hydrographichydrographicsurveys,surveys,etc.,etc.,butbut generallygenerally speaking,speaking, surveyingsurveying isis divideddivided intointo twotwo majormajor categoriescategories geodeticgeodetic andand planeplane surveying.surveying. (测量分为许多不同的类型,如土地测量,路线测量,城市(测量分为许多不同的类型,如土地测量,路线测量,城市 测量,建筑测量,水道测量等等,但是总的来说,测量分为两个主要的种类大地测量,建筑测量,水道测量等等,但是总的来说,测量分为两个主要的种类大地 测量和平面测量)测量和平面测量) SurveysSurveys willwill either takeeither take intointo account theaccount the true shapetrue shape ofof thethe EarthEarth((GeodeticGeodetic surveyssurveys))or treat the earth as a flat surfacePlane surveys.or treat the earth as a flat surfacePlane surveys. (是考虑地(是考虑地 球真实形状的大地测量还是将地球当成