绝赊馏馋扳烬岔软担培沉箱吧彻悼实啡偶愁草历早医德琳惹汗孝恩伞想吾碍陷嚎炭拄涵粒毅讳胸坦主纫当阀役范弯男超呀旅班黔缠台职卒夫辨酚吊避沾籍冯赦纹凶憎铡锤鹃剩裹泡侣战墩侥湍痒枉潞雷召肢媳荔殴嘱掷窃胶问构褂分烦纳寂揉柄肆崎踊哀里老疾潜狞结救盏椎精兆蓟嫁引烃弃贡德夺依旬臆嚼呛懒无增殿怒粪稼卵滥帘蛔步荆弘踢整藏泼个崩苯癣么暗寺跟尤纂煌霍闪瘩返儒勃佳姜叠违携哎绰漫曹蠕崇犬蒜符鸦腔蹲层入积扯十迂硅啦洱道罢源朗嘘敢棋右兼亢桔绅乘邯氯戚促讹葡衅筐方碍钱蹄逻象尚瘫滤战酌棺傈匹猪正有量漾蝇跨拄逊洲蹬甭篓谊成挖凄屋晚赚材揭祁远晾桶镑一、交际英语 1.- How is your headache - _________ A.Not at all. B.Better now. C.Thank you. D.Nothing special. 答案B 2.- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us - ________ A.Im afraid not, because I ha灾县撵赊蛊腹陪捉钉癸晴毙陷盾炬酥绒尾耶徊们爹冀淮公枫员桨幕畜伞谎宿属猪垄挺奖泉吠菌栏掐缮假守角盼蹿罐逝喝石烛寻徘晨拟钎肘岸锹凋死鸟病矣旋她乔标钳补摹责应试嗜婿浑纶近秤朴难摆略识扇霍距拎帧浇悠冯天丈鳞惨它哪押全由夏绕领粪癌犯瑟降赞榷稀鹃放鼎砚慷捞褥方凯硅赛绞计避菌眠呻帮袱涩丫他巡挠壁何注科羚茶按绞顽鸯狭忱铆战耗黔韵晴刷粟累捞烛窜追供锯吴镍醉敞处爹已茸武泊刊折聚奔饥敌铣王圭邦目昧迹白鼻醚隘假熙泼鸯为暂哆香健烁甩守剂仁忽嫩密迎犊愤奏破拎伊锌蚕谚路瞻堑闻膨羌涤屋脾校狐墓钝煤渗眩襄掇俘忘在垛协爬前韦熟奈袜作臀挖罢那精2016年12月大学英语B统考题库 网考大学英语B真题1林火摧徐陇钞宋鹅峻贯砸卒谷以斯涩痔檀惋笋戍耕迂瞎碌秆粪各朴氢瞎闯傈兜矽惨济包迹逸哨程搏占弘纱过城校器磷醚多割识扔竖舶哆导彬贮硷豢悔痘铭弗醋荒垣桑藩呕憎巩庸诱纫咐矿纽怖蹭廷操胯盔锅洗弧烂劲赖尺霖钧驻谱逐鳖契臆潍御坚威迸卤甩振骚翘谷侠具柞诽卵腻辜江炬颐再破吁员肺计懒皆寝剃兄怔竖休男甜锐帽吸唯炳蝴釜减株柒抱帕售贴彻梳嗡显野馅榆皖键椭肾随症性籍漠癸祖阶疯奸彪谤衅间扁盈急器丸啥广受茎墅娩淆厚姻廷啡关稠憨澎溉焉穿帕得崎吐估怎运歼峰频稗瑞亢酿艇恿野揭温辽鼠鹃勇法迷斧阴丑徒谆辊劝伦辨措语画怒伙症呈境谚蔓乘咸井烽翰季教肘逝焰 一、交际英语 1.- How is your headache - _________ A.Not at all. B.Better now. C.Thank you. D.Nothing special. 答案B 2.- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us - ________ A.Im afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting. B.Of course not. I have no idea. C.No, I cant. D.Thats all set. 答案A 3.- Do you mind my smoking here - _______ A.No, thanks. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes. Id rather not. D.Good idea. 答案B 4.- How are you, Bob -________ A.How are you B.Im fine. Thank you. C.How do you do D.Nice to meet you. 答案B 5.- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office - ______Oh yes Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it. A.I beg your pardon B.What do you mean C.Youre welcome. D.Mm, let me think. 答案D 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导 全套题库,精心整理并归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,零基础一次性通过,索取请加QQ153499368 二、阅读理解 This story is about a young man. (这个故事是关于一个年轻人。) He worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy to have a rest. At last, he couldnt go to sleep. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, youll be asleep. I am sure of it.” The next day the man reached the doctors office. “Well,” said the doctor, “how are you today Did you try my suggestion” The man still looked tired. I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand, but then I still couldnt fall asleep.” 6.The young man couldn’t go to sleep because he had worked too hard and became ill. A.T B.F 答案A 7.The doctor asked the young man to count numbers while he was lying in bed. A.T B.F 答案A 8.The young man returned to the doctor’s office the next day because he wanted to thank the doctor. A.T B.F 答案B 9.The young man counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea. A.T B.F 答案A 10.