TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FORTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF MECHNICAL EQUIPMENTINSTALLATION OF MECHNICAL EQUIPMENT 1 1 1.1 HIGHLIGHTS OF CONSTRUCTIONHIGHLIGHTS OF CONSTRUCTION Construction preconditions of Equipment Installation The design document and other technical documents are all ready, the construction drawings have been jointly checked up, technique clarification and necessary technical training shall have been accomplished. Relative foundation and trench work shall have been finished,the concrete strength shall not be lower than 75 of design strength. 1.2 1.2.1 Acceptance of Equipment Foundation Acceptance of Civil Data Quality certificate. Survey Record and other construction data shall be ready. 1.2.2Foundation checking The position, geometry dimension and quality requirements of the equipment foundationshallcomply withtheconstructiondrawingsandtheCodefor Construction and Acceptance of Concrete Structures GB50204-92. Both the foundation surface of the equipment and the reserved holes of anchor bolts shall be cleaned up, the screw thread and the nut of the embedded anchor bolt shall be kept in good condition. The allowable tolerance of equipment foundation dimensions refer to table 1 Table 1 ItemsAllowable Tolerance mm Coordinate position Longitudinal the requirement below must be followed if no other special instructions are available 1 2 3 Anchor bolt shall be vertical in reserved hole free of inclining. The distance between any part of anchor bolt to the hole wall shall be larger than 15mm, and the bolt end shouldn’ t touch hole bottom. The oil dirt and oxidized surface of anchor bolt shall be clear away, a little grease shall be applied to the screw thread of the anchor bolt. 4 5 6 1.4.3 There shall be no distance between the nut and the gasket, and so are the gasket and the pedestal of the equipment. Bolt shall extend out of nut after nut fastening; the exposed length is about 1/3-2/3 of the diameter value of the bolt. The anchor blot shall be fastened while concrete strength in reserved reaches more than than 75 designed value, the fastening strength shall be evenly. Iron Shim The shim size for level adjusting of equipment shall accord with the requirement of construction drawings or technical documents. The common wedge shim and flat shim shall be selected according to Appendix 5 of the Construction Float coat shall be applied to the surface after removal of s. The inner s shall be laid when complete grouting is not needed under equipment base and grouting layer would bear load of equipment. 1.4.5Assembly of Equipment The assembly of equipment shall accord with the requirement of construction drawings, technical documents of manufacturer and Code for Construction Acceptance of Machine Equipment Installation Works GB50231-98. Before the equipment assembly, the Contractor shall be familiar with the equipment structure and the technical requirements of equipment assembly. Recheck and c