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焊缝及外观质量验收规范焊缝及外观质量验收规范 一.目的 Purpose 建立诺信达格公司焊接产品的焊缝和外观质量验收标准 The purpose of the procedure is to provide an inspection standard for welding – fusionwelded joints quality and cosmetic 二.范围 Scope 所有诺信达格的焊接产品的焊缝外观检验 The procedure is applicable for the welding cosmetic inspection of all Nordson Dage products. 三.定义和符合 Definitions and Symbols 1. 短缺陷 Short imperfections 如果焊缝长度有 100mm 或更长以及在 100mm 长度内包含的最大数量的缺陷累计长度低于 25mm,那么这样的缺陷可认为是短缺陷。 In case when the welds is 100mm long or longer, imperfections are considered to be short imperfections if, in the 100mm which contains the greatest number of imperfections , their total length is less than 25mm 如果焊缝长度小于 100mm,但是在总长范围内的缺陷累计长度小于焊缝长度的 25%,那么这样的缺陷也可认为是短缺陷 In case when the weld is less than 100mm long, imperfections are considered to be short imperfections if their total length is less than 25 of the length of the weld 2。 符号 Symbols a – 角焊缝的名义喉高 nominal throat thickness of the fillet weld b –焊接熔化金属的宽度 width of weld reinforcement h – 缺陷尺寸(高度或宽度 height or width of imperfection s – 对接焊缝的名义厚度 nominal butt weld thickness t – 壁厚或板厚 1 wall or plate thickness z – 角焊缝的腿长 leg length of a fillet weld α 焊趾的角度 angle of weld toe 四.参考文件Normative References ISO 58172007 Welding– Fusionwelded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys beam welding excluded) – Quality levels for imperfections ISO 65202007 Welding and allied processes– Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic materials – Part 1 Fusion welding 五.标准等级的选用 Inspection Quality Level Selection 下表对焊接的不同缺陷进行了分类和定义, B 级为最高焊接要求的检验级别,C 级为正常焊接要求的检验级别,D 级为较低焊接要求检验级 Below table define the welding limits for imperfection for quality levels。 Quality level B corresponds to the highest requirement on the finished weld。 Quality level C corresponds to the normal requirement on the finished weld. Quality level D corresponds to the lower requirement on the finished weld。 假如没有特殊规定,除了焊缝表面不允许有焊渣异物掺杂和不允许有为完全融合和渗透以外,所有焊接产品的检验等级为 C 级,参见下面的表单 If no any specified except no slag inclusion and lack of fusion / penetration, the quality level C will be default selection。 Detail definition referred to the table as below。 2 焊接缺陷名称焊接缺陷名称 ImperfectionImperfection DesignationDesignation 裂纹 Cracks ISO6520-1ISO6520-1 ReferenceReference 100 说明说明 RemarksRemarks 任何可见裂纹 Any visual cracks 厚度厚度 t t验收标准验收标准 D D mmmmQuality Level DQuality Level D 〉0。5不允许 NotPermitted 验收标准验收标准 C C Quality Level CQuality Level C 不允许 NotPermitted 验收标准验收标准 B B Quality Level BQuality Level B 不允许 NotPermitted 弧坑裂纹 Crater Crack 1040。5不允许 NotPermitted 不允许 NotPermitted 不允许 NotPermitted 表面气孔 Surface Pores 2017单个气孔的最大尺寸 Maximum dimension of a single pore for - 对接焊缝 Butt welds - 角焊缝 Fillet welds 单个气孔的最大尺寸 Maximum dimension of a single pore for 开口弧坑 Crater pipe 2025 对接焊缝 Butt welds - 角焊缝 Fillet welds 0.5 to 3 3 0.5 to 3 d 〈0.3 s d〈 0.3 a d 〈0.3s, but max. 3mm h 3 0.5 to 3短缺陷允许存在 Short imperfections h 〈 0。2t h 0。5a90a〉100a〉150 5 焊接缺陷名称焊接缺陷名称 ImperfectionImperfection DesignationDesignation 焊瘤


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