2020 中考英语(新冠肺炎热点相关)题型预测 (完形、阅读、短文填空、写作) 新冠疫情相关高频词汇 、病毒相关VirUSVirUS 新型冠状病毒novel COrOnaVirUS肺炎PnCUmOnia新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎PnCUmOnia CaUSCd by IhC novel COrOnaVirUS / novel COrOnaVirUS-CaUSCd PneUmOnia 二、传播相关SPreadSPread 传播途径route Of transmission人传人human-to-human transmission易感人群SUSCCPtibIC POPUIatiOn密切接触者ClOSC COntaCt疫情CPidCmiC爆发OUtbreak流行PrCVaIenCC传染COntagiOn大流行PandCmiC疫区affected area 三、病例相关CaSeCaSe 感染病例CaSe OfinfCCtiOn疑似病例SUSPeCtCd CaSC重症病例SeVCrC CaSe确诊病例COnfinnCd CaSe累计病例数 CUmUlatiVC number Of CaSeS死亡病例数number Of deaths 四、症状相关SymPtOmSymPtOm咳嗽io COUgh 打喷嚏to SneeZC症状SymPtOm发热fever头痛headache乏力fatigue干咳dry COUgh鼻塞StUffy nose流涕runny nose咽 痛SOrC IhrOat 五、 防护设备EqUiPmentEqUiPment 医疗物资medical SUPPlieS 隔离quarantine 口罩mask 医用外科口罩SUrgiCal mask防护服PrOtCCtiVC ClOthing护目镜eye ShieIds, goggles鞋套ShOe COVCrS 手套gloves 次性disposable 穿戴io Wear 消毒disinfection 消毒剂disinfectant 洗手液hand sanitizer, IiqUid SOaP 次性手套disposable gloves 六、 机构相关InStitUtiOnInStitUtiOn 世界卫生组织WHo WOrId Health OrganiZatiOn卫健委Health COmnIiSSiOn 国际关注的公共卫生突发事件PHElC PUbliC HCalIh EmCrgCnCy Of IntCmatiOnal COnCCm国家卫生健康委员会Nalional HCalth COmmiSSiOn隔离场所 quarantine PlaCC 药店pharmacy drugstore 七、 防疫相关PreVentiOnPreVentiOn 疫情防控CPidCnIiC PrCVCntiOn and COntrOl 遏制疫情蔓延io COntain the OUtbrCak 封城A City is On IoCkdOWn./A City goes into lockdown.延迟开学to POStPOnC the reopening Of SChOOIS取消大型集会to CanCel mass gatherings减少外出to make fewer IriPS OUtSidC 控制人 口流动to CUrb POPUlatiOn flow 公共场所in PUbliC areas 消毒、通风disinfection and VCntiIatiOn体温检测body temperature monitoring延长春节假期to CXtCnd the ChinCSC NCW YCar holiday 2020中考英语(新冠肺炎热点相关)题型预测 题型一完型填空 TCnS Of millions Of ChinCSe PCOPle have to Stay _1 __________ during the COrOnaVirUS OUtbrCak(新冠疫惜爆发). ThankS to food deliveries(送餐服务)and IhC PCOPle _2_________ rcparc and deliver them. Ihey Can have hot _3_________. Many PCOPlC Want to _4 _______that WhilC their food is hot, the PCOPIe OfiCring it arc not. _5 __________many restaurants are including a “reassurance guarantce,*slip(夕卜卖安卡”)With Ihe temperatures Of IhC 6 food PaCkagcrS and COUriCrS(送 餐员).“These COUriCr S have become the 7 Of China IOgCthCr WiIh Ihe medical WOrkerS,,,said ShaUn Rein, managing director Of China MarkCt RCSearCh Group. MeitUan 8 its COUrierS a Card Ihat records Iheir 9 and WhCther they have done IhC daily disinfecting (消毒)Of IhCir delivery box. ElCmC docs Ihe I. A.outdoors 2.A.who 3.A.tca 4.A.look OUt 5.A.If 6.A.cooks 7.A.enemies 8.A.adviscs 9. A. fear 10. A.difficult B.indoors B.which B.dishcs B.take in B.Though B.doctors B. WinnCrS B.borrows B.cflbrt B.dificrencc C.away C.whcrc C.watcr D.off D. What D.mcals C.make SUrC D. PUt OUl C.So C.paticnts C-Iosers C.givcs C. factory C-Slrangc D-Becausc D. firefighters D. heroes D.fills D-Icmperaturc D.same 【参考答案1 6-106-10 I 1-5 BADCCI 1-5 BADCCADCDDADCDD (-) AS IhC Saying goes, “A hero is known in the time Of misfortune(不幸)”.ZhOng NanShan is a hero IikC this. HC is a doctor in Guangdong, WhOJ ______________________ many peoples IiVCS in 2003. In 2(X)3, SARS_2 ____