欢迎阅读 培根的名言英语培根的名言英语 导读导读 1、时刻是衡量事业的标准。 Moment is measure of career. 2、知因果而知者,始得真知。 Truth only known causal the knower. 3、奇迹多是在厄运中出现的。 The miracle is in bad luck. 4、疾病是逸乐所应得的利息。 Interest of disease is due to pleasure. 5、狡猾是一种阴险邪恶的聪明。 The cunning is a wicked smart. 6、最快乐的事莫过于无拘无束。 The most happy thing is free. 7、友谊使欢乐倍增,使痛苦减半。 Friendship joys, pain halved. 8、节俭是美德,惟需与宽厚结合。 Thrift is a virtue, but need to combine with generous. 9、同情是一切道德中最高的美德。 Compassion is the highest of all moral virtue. 10、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。 Is god, in love is hard to keep smart. 欢迎阅读 11、由智慧养成的习惯成为第二天性。 By the wisdom of habit becomes second nature. 12、人不能绝灭感情,亦不可迷恋感情。 People cant extinction feelings, also not obsessed with feelings. 13、世上友谊本罕见,平等友情更难求。 The world of this rare friendship, equality and friendship harder to find. 14、合理的安排时间,就等于节约时间。 Reasonable arrangement of time, is to save time. 15、重复言说多半是一种时间上的损失。 Most repetitive narration is a loss of time. 16、除了恐惧本身之外没什么好害怕的。 In addition there is nothing to be afraid of fear itself. 17、临时结交的人,不能算是兄弟姐妹。 To make people temporarily, not a brothers and sisters. 18、德行犹如宝石,镶嵌在素净处为佳。 Virtue is like a stone, set in plain and neat place is preferred. 19、一次背誓以后,什么誓言也靠不住了。 After once use, what pledge also unreliable. 20、没有爱是寂寞的,没有恨也是寂寞的。 欢迎阅读 There is no love is lonely, hate is also lonely. 21、一个机敏谨慎的人,必须会交一个好运。 A prudent man, must have a good luck. 22、最难忍受的孤独莫过于缺少真正的友谊。 The hardest to bear loneliness is a lack of true friendship. 23、以无情的目光论事,以慈悲的目光看人。 Merciless eyes, eyes to see people with compassion. 24、我活着是为学习,而学习并不是为活着。 Me to live is to learn, but learning is not to live. 25、希望是不错的早餐,但绝对是最糟的晚餐。 Hope is a good breakfast, but it is the worst supper. 26、读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之不足。 They perfect nature, experience for again. 27、美的至高无上的部分,无法以彩笔描出来。 The beautiful part of the supreme, cannot be traced to a marker pen. 28、知识是一种愉悦,而好奇则是知识的萌芽。 Knowledge is a kind of pleasure, and curious about is the bud of knowledge. 29、一副美丽的面孔,就是一封无言的介绍信。 A beautiful face, it is a silent letter of introduction. 30、只有美貌而缺乏修养的人是不值得赞美的。 欢迎阅读 Only beauty and the lack of self-cultivation is not worthy of praise. 31、无论何人,若是失去了耐心,就失去了灵魂。 Whoever, if lost patience, lost soul. 32、金钱像肥田料,如不散布是没有多大用处的。 Money as expected, the fertile field seem like a spread is not of much use. 33、若要进入学问的世界,务必像赤子一样才行。 If you want to enter the world of knowledge, be sure to like a champ. 34、深窥自己的心,而后发觉一切的奇迹在你自己。 Deep insights into their own heart, and then find all the miracles in yourself. 35、金钱好比肥料,如不撒入田中,本身并无用处。 Money is like manure, such as not scattered, tanaka itself is useless. 36、所有爬到高位的人,都要经过迂回曲折的阶梯。 All climb to high, to go through twists and turns of the ladder. 37、做大官只为自我谋愉悦,不如做大事为众人谋利益。 Do big officer for ego seeks pleasure, better to do event for the interests for the people. 欢迎阅读 38、真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍重。 Sincere friendship is like health, the loss is less than the, unable to appreciate its treasure. 39、健康的身体是灵魂的客厅,病弱的身体是灵魂的监狱。 A healthy body is the soul of the sitting room, sick