外文翻译 原文 ForeignForeign T Traderadeo of fChinaChina Material SourceWWanfanganfang DatabaseDatabaseAuthorHitomiIizaka 1.Introduction On December11, 2001, China officially joined the World Trade OrganizationWTO andbe cameits 143 rd member. China’s presence in the world economy will continue to growanddeepen. The foreigntradesectorplaysan important andmultifaceted role in China’seconomic development. At the same time, China’sexpanded roleintheworldeconomy isbeneficial toallitstrading partners. Regions thattrade withChinabenefit fromcheaper andmor evarieties ofimported consumer goods, rawmaterials andintermediateproducts. Chinaisalsoalargeand growing exportmarket.While theentryof anymajortrading nationin theglobal trading system cancreate aprocess ofadjustment, theoutcomeisfundamentallya win-winsituation. In thispaperwewouldlike to provide a surveyof thevarious institutions, lawsand characteristics of China’strade. Among some of the findings, wecanhighlight thefollowing In2001,totaltrade togross domestic pr oduct GDPratioinChinais44 In2001,47ofChinese trade isprocessed trade 1 In2001,51ofChinese trade isconduct edbyforeign firmsinChina 2 In2001,36ofChinese exports originate fromGu an gdon gprovince In 2001, 39 of China’s exports go through Hong Kong to be re-exported elsewhere 2. Evolution of China’sTrade Regime Equally remarkable are the changes in the commodity composition of China’s exports and imports. Table 2a shows China’s annual exportvolumesof primary goods andmanufacturedgoods overtime.In 1980,primarygoods accounted for 50.3of China’sexports and manufactured goods accounted for 49.7. Although theshare ofprimary good declines slightlyduring thefirsthalfof1980’s,it remains at50.6in1985.Sincethen,exports ofmanufacturedgoods havegrown atamuch fasterratethanexportsof primarygoods. As a result,theshareof manufactured goods increased to90.1,andthatofprimary good decr eased to9.9by2001. Also shownin thosetablesarefive subgr oupsfor manufactured goodsand primary goods. China’s export was highly dependent on its exports of coal, petroleum, andpetr oleumproducts until mid-80s.The largeexportvolumeof petr oleum wasalsosupport edbyasharp riseinoilpricesduring theperiod. In1985, theshareof mineralfuelsis 26.1.In 1986,thesu ddendeclinein theshareof primary goods intotalexports occurs, whichislargelyassociated withthedecline in theexportvolumeof mineralfuels.Thepriceres coupled withthedeclined worldpetr oleum priceareattributabletothedecline. Domestic agriculture production expanded during the 1980’sin response to the higherpricesthr oughthe price resand mo re opportunities givento the producers tomarket theirproducts. Although theshare offoodandliveanimals in totalexportshasdeclined overtime,Chinahasbecome a netexporter of such products since1984. Turningto themanufactured goods,thelargeincreasein theshareof the manufacturedgoods in thetotalexports sincemid-80s is largelyaccounted forby theincrease in theexportin thetexti