一、一、questions about you and majorquestions about you and major LearningLearning 1、why do you choose this major, MTIMasters of Translation and Interpreting instead your original major 为什么选择这个专业而非大学专业 2、what do you know about MTIMasters of Translation and Interpreting 你对 MTI 有什么了解 7.what is the difference between MAmaster of artsand MTImaster of translation MA 和 MTI 的区别 8 why do you choose our university 为什么选择南开 3、do you have any real experiences in translation or interpreting If so, what have you learned from them 有没有翻译经验从中学到了什么 4、have you ever met any full-time interpreter 有没有见过全职翻译 5、please give us a brief introduction about the translation courses in your collage, what have you learned from that 简要介绍大学里的翻译课程你从中学到了什么 7、Do you think to be a translator or an interpreter is profitable 你觉得做翻译赚钱吗 8、what should a good interpreter be like What kind of qualities should he have 好的口译译员是什么样的应该具备什么样的素质 Be an extremely good listener. Interpreters need to pick up on every intent and every meaning. They must make sense of a message composed in one language while articulating the same message in another tongue. Have an extensive vocabulary of multiple languages. working in real-time, they can rarely consult a dictionary or reference materials. Be culturally aware. trans the words into a comparable statement that the target audience can understand. Cope with stress and self-control when dealing with difficult speakers. Not everyone speaks with precision and clarity accents can be difficult to discern. Show emotional resilience Legal and medical interpreters are often involved in cases that are difficult to witness, such as murder trials, emergency medical situations or even deaths. 9 、what is the difference between translation and interpreting 口译和笔译的区别 The interpreter translates orally, while a translator interprets written text. The translator’s key ability to understand the source language and the culture of the country where the text originated, then using a good library of dictionaries and reference materials, to render that material clearly into the target language An interpreter, must be able to translate in both directions on the spot, without using dictionaries or other reference materials. Interpreters must have extraordinary listening abilities 10、Have you encountered any problems in interpreting 口译时有没有遇到什么问题 11、In your mind, what is the ideal life for an interpreter 口译译员的理想生活是什么样的 12 if you are admitted by this university, what is your plan for next two years 如果录取,你研究生期间有什么计划 13、compared to other students, what is your strength What is your weakness你的优点是什 么优势 缺点 14 what is your thesis about你的论文是关于什么的 15 do you know the history of interpretation 口译的历史 4. In history when do you think the interpreting is applicable 历史上你什么时候觉得口译有用 the identification of interpreting as a career was in 20th century 1919 Paris peace conference 1940s Nuremberg Trialssimultaneous interpreting 16 do you know the type of interpret