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2017201720202020 年上海高考英语概要写作汇编 20202020 年秋考 Are people unique It is human beings pride that we are the only species on the Planet that can speak and think. However, recent research casts doubt on that common belief. Zuberbiililer a psychologist at St. Andrews University, and his colleagues recorded tliousands of calls made by Diana monkeys and noticed that die monkeys adapted their calls to change the meaiung to warn one another about different situations. For example, they made a krack alarm call at the sight of tiger However, when they merely repeated calls made by otlier monkeys they added an4oo\ The researchers fbimd that the same calls would be recognised by other species, like Campbelfs monkeys. So they are communicating across species. *And since then we have found that hornbill birds can understand these calls and they too can understand all die different meanings, said Zuberbuhler. What is also surprising is that signs of mtelligence have been found in birds, whose small brains were long assumed to be a complete barrier to mtelligence. However, all that is changing fast. A few years ago Irene Pepperberg of die Massachusetts Iiistimte of Teclinology taught a parrot to recognise and count up to six objects, which couldnt have been achieved if birds were unable to memorize. Last year, that was topped by Alex Kacelmk, a professor of behavioral ecology at Oxford, who discovered that crows (乌鸦)are capable of using tools in complex orders, the first time such behaviour has been observed ui non-huinans. In an experiment seven crows successfully grabbed a piece of food placed out of reach using three different lengtlis of stick. Crucially, they were able to complete the task without any special training, suggesting the birds were capable of a level of abstract reasoning normally associated only with humans. All this is powerful evidence against die idea that people are unique. 参考答案 Scientists have discovered signs of language and intelligence in monkeys and birds. Some monkeys can communicate vanous messages with different calls in and across species. Some birds, like parrots and crows, have the ability to memorize and reason. So language and intelligence are not imique to humans. 20202020 年春考 Global Cooperation In the 21st century, we\e seen a new trend that is pusluiig the boundaries(边界)of human invention and innovation - global cooperation. Scientific and teclinical research and development is now so complicated that no one scientist can know it all. So, increasingly, innovation is coming from die combmmg of cutting-edge expertise(专业知识)from difiereiit scientific fields. There are now over 8.000 scientific journals worldwide and it is mipossible to be ail expert m all areas. Therefore, in this highly specialized world, scientists, medics and engineers have to cooperate in order to innovate. Professor Bob Langer at Massachusetts Institute of Teclinology QUT has made significant breaktliroughs in the field of biomedical enguieeriiig. But


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