1.2 巧言令色,鲜矣仁。 The master said, “clever talk and a pretentious manner“ are seldom found in the Good. 1.3 吾日三省吾身。为人谋,而不忠乎与朋友交,而不信乎传,不习乎 Every day I examine myself on these three points in acting on behalf of others, have I always been loyal to their interests In intercourse with my friends, have i always been true to my word Have i failed to repeat the precepts that have been handed down to me 1.4 行有余力,则以学文。 If, when all that is done, he has any energy to spare, then let him study the politte arts. 1.5 贤贤易色;事父母能竭其力,事君能致其身;与朋友交,言而有信。虽曰未 学,吾必谓之学矣。 A man who treats his betters as betters, wears an air of respect, who into serving father and mother knows how to put his whole strength, who in the service of his prince will lay down his life, who in intercourse with friends is true to his word--others may say of him that he still lacks education, but i for my part should certainly callhim an educated man. 1.6 过则勿惮改。 If he finds he has made a mistake, then he must not be afraid of admitting the fact and amending his ways. (知错能改不算错,知错不改错上加错。 ) 1.7 慎终追远,民德归厚矣。 When proper respect towards the dead is shown at the End and continued after they are far away the moral force of a people has reached its highest point. (祖先敬重这 是多好的美德,但是现代社会,这种美德岌岌可危。 ) 1.8夫子温、良、恭、俭、让以得之(政 policy。 Our master gets things by being cordial, frank, courteous, temperate, deferential. That is our Masters way of enquiring--a very different matter.(孔子的为人就是这五个 字, 而这五个字值得学习和实践一辈子,孔子可爱的地方就在于他提出的出世之 道很朴实。 ) 1.9. 父在观其志,父没观其行,三年无改于父之道,可谓孝矣。 While a mans father is alive, you can only see his intentions; it is when his father dies that you discover whether or not he is capable of carrying them out. If for the whole three years of mourning he manages to carry on the household exactly as in his father day, then he is a good son indeed. 孔子学说可以说“成”也孝, “败”也孝。也许 这在前现代中是合理的,因为黑格尔说得好“存在就是合理的” 。 ) 1.10 礼之用,和为贵。 In the usages of ritual it is harmony that is prized. (曾经在学校开过一门选修课叫 生活基本礼仪 ,的确礼节的精髓是“和” ,而和是中国古代传统哲学思想的精 髓之一。所以,中国是礼仪之邦。 ) 1.11 君子食无求饱, 居无求安, 敏于事而慎于言, 就有道而正焉, 可谓好学也已。 A gentleman who never goes on eating till he is sated, who does not demand comfort in his home, who is diligent in business and cautious in speech, who associates with those that possess the Way and thereby corrects his own faults--such a one may indeed be said to have a taste for learning.( “好学” 的定义, 的确很准确、 很直观。 ) 1.12. 贫而无谄(查字典谄媚) ,富而无骄, “未若贫而乐道,富而好礼者也。 ” Poor without cadging, rich without swagger. Not bad but not better than “poor, yet delighting in the Way, rich, yet a student of ritual.” (经常听到“为富不仁”的说法, 其实更常看到的是“为富不礼”的情况。还有一种更“惨不忍睹”的现象是贫 而谄媚。囊中羞涩的人自然底气不足,这就是“世道” 。 ) 1.13. 如切如磋,如琢如磨。 As thing cut, as thing filed, as thing chiseled, as thing polished.(一个人有没有 “德” 要看他在“贫富”面前的表现,贫富就像“磨刀石” ,只有经过的考验才能够判 断一个人的德,所以说道德被康德称之为“实践理性” ,他撰写的实践理性批 判是一本讨论道德的书。 ) 1.14 不患人之不己知,患不知人也。 The good man does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits. His only anxiety is lest he should fail to recognize theirs. 这句话和第一条“人不知而不愠