船/岸安全检查表 SHIP/SHORE SAFETY CHECK LIST Ship’s NameShip’s Name 船名船名. . BerthBerth 泊位泊位 Date of ArrivalDate of Arrival 抵达日期抵达日期 PortPort 港口港口. . Time of ArrivalTime of Arrival 抵达时间抵达时间 . . 填表须知填表须知 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETIONINSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION 为保证安全作业, 下列所有问题的答复均是肯定的,可在相应的方格内清楚地打上√标号。 如果不能给 予肯定回答,应说明理由,而且船舶和码头之间均达成关于应采取的适当预防措施的协议。如果认为有 的问题不适用,应在备注栏里加以说明。 The safety of operations requires that all questions should be answered affirmatively by clearly ticking √in the appropriate box. If an affirmative answer is not available, the reason should be given and agreement reached upon appropriate precautions to be taken between the ship and the terminal. Where any question is considered to be not applicable, then a note to that effect should be inserted in the remarks column. “船舶”和“码头”栏目下的方格,表示由负责方实施检查。 A box in the column ‘ship’ and ‘terminal’ indicates that the party concerned should carry out checks. 在“代码”栏目里的 A,P 或 R 字母,分别表示如下的意义 The presence of the lettersA A, P P or R R in the column ‘Code’ indicates the following A – (协议)表示该检查项应通过协议或程序来处理,并在检查表中的“备注”栏中明确或者通过其它 一些双方可接受的表格来交流这些协议和程序。 A A –‘Agreement’. This indicates that the referenced consideration should be addressed by an agreement or procedure that should be identified in the ‘Remarks’ column of the Check Li st, or communicated in some other mutually acceptable . P(批准)在否定回答的情况下,未经主管当局的书面许可,不可进行作业。 P P –‘Permission’. In the case of a negative answer to the statements coded ‘P’, no operations are to be conducted without the written permission from the appropriate authority. R(复查) 表示在不超出声明同意的时间间隔须重复检查的项目。 R R –‘Re-check’.This indicates items to be re-checked at appropriate intervals, as agreed between both parties and stated in the declaration. 仅在所有方检查和接受他们分配的职责和责任后方可签署共同声明 The joint declaration should not be signed until all parties have checked and accepted their assigned responsibilities and accountabilities. PART ‘A’ –PART ‘A’ – BULK LIQUID GENERAL - PHYSICAL CHECKS BULK LIQUID GENERAL - PHYSICAL CHECKS 1 A A 部分部分 -散装普通液货-散装普通液货 -- 现场核实现场核实 Bulk LiquidBulk Liquid –– General General 散装液体散装液体 -- 普通普通 1.There is safe access between the ship and shore. 船岸之间有安全通道. 2.The ship is securely moored. 船舶已安全系泊. 3.The agreed ship/shore communication system is operative. 商定的船/岸通信系统可用. 4.Emergency towing-off pennants are correctly rigged and positioned. 应急拖缆已带好并处于正确位置. 5.The ship’s fire hoses and fire-fighting equipment are positioned and ready for immediate use. 船方消防水带和消防设备配置在位并立即可用. 6.The terminal’s fire-fighting equipment is positioned and ready for immediate use. 岸方消防设备配置在位并立即可用. 7.The ship’s cargo and bunker hoses, pipelines and manifolds are in good condition, properly rigged and appropriate for the service intended. 船方的货物、 燃油软管, 管线和集管处于良好状态, 适当固定并适用于预计的货物作业. 8.The terminal’s cargo and bunker hoses/arms are in good condition, properly