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写作中常用功能性词汇(组) 事物数量 可数n. 1 several非正式,a couple of 非正式),a number of(正式) 她引用了我的一些例子。 She quoted me several examples. 他们走了几英里。 They walked a couple of miles. 他策划了多起恐怖袭击。 He masterminded a number of terrorist attacks. 2 a large/vast number of 工头监督着许多工人。 The foreman overlooked a large number of workers. 大脑能够储存巨大数量的记 忆。 The brain can store a vast number of memories o 3 numerous 数不清的陷阱等待毫无戒心 的投资者。 Numerous pitfalls await unsuspecting investors. 他们在做这项实验时碰到了 许多困难。 They encountered numerous difficulties in conducting the experiment. 4 innumerable 技术革新已经带来了无穷的 好处。 Technological innovations have brought innumerable benefits. 我们民族有数千年的历史,有 着它自己的特点和许多财富。 Our national history goes back several thousand years and has its own characteristics and innumerable treasures. 5 a host of sth. 我们面临着许多困难。 We are faced with a host of difficulties. 回顾这一年,推出了多项改善 措施。 The year under review witnessed a host of improvement measures. 6 a legion ofpeople 那个影星有一大群崇拜者。 The film star has a legion of admires. 金凯利的未来是美好的,他 拥有了一大批忠实的影迷,他 们喜欢他喜剧的粗犷风格。 The future looks good for Jim Carrey; he has developed a legion of devoted fans who love his wild style of physical comedy. 7 a flock of animal 一群夜莺 A flock of nightingales 一群羊慢慢地从山上下来。 A flock of sheep descended slowly from a hill. 不可数n. 8 a large deal/amount of 我们组织了巨大的救灾工作 和春耕运动,现在大致已经渡 过了难关。 We organized a great deal of relief work and a spring ploughing campaign, and now we have, by end linge, made it through the difficulties. 我怎么也想不通你竟然丢了 这么一大笔钱。 Fll never get over the fact that you managed to lose such a great amount of money. 9 a great quantity of (可量化的不可数 n.) 大量的信息 a great quantity of ination 我们新建的工厂正在生产大 量的精密仪器。 Our new factory is turning out a great quantity of high precision instruments. 可数n./不可数n. 10 plenty of/ a plenty of 喝大量水 Drink plenty of water 这些鸡产了大量的蛋。 The chickens produced a plenty of eggs. Enough的同义词 11 sufficient (主要表示“数量完全满足需要或期望的”) 有足够的饭菜供大家吃。 There is sufficient food for everybody. 我们已经有了足够的经验来 处理这个问题。 We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem. 12 adequate (主要表示“满足一个最低或客观标准”) 我们的身体需要充足的营养。 Our bodies need adequate nutrition. 同时,充足的手术能够避免复 发。 Meanwhile, adequate operation manipulation can avoid reoperation. 大小和程度 1 considerable 这个设计需要相当大的修改。 The design requires considerable modification. 风暴使得空中交通大乱。 The storm caused considerable dislocation of air traffic. 2 significant 每一个重要的更改都应当经 过验证。 Every significant modification should be validated. 青霉素是极其重要的医学发 现。 Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery. 3 tremendous 这里发生了巨大的变化。 Tremendous changes have taken place here. 工程需要大量的金钱。 The project requires a tremendous amount of money. 4 enormous 诉讼需要大量花费。 Litigation often entails enormous expense. 农业生产率已得到巨大提高。 There have been enormous increases in agricultural productivity. 5 excessive 他过度的礼貌令人觉得有些 可疑。 His excessive politeness seemed fishy. 她的声音因过


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