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实验小学20102011学年度第一学期 学科教学计划 科目 English 班级 Grade Five 教师 Li xiaoyan 二。一。年八月二-一日 一、教学任务 大纲(课标)要求和教学目的、任务 I、The students should master the vocabulary ①The lists the vocabulary,write,say and aurally understand by the end of each unit. ②Each unit exposes students to more words and phrases than they need to master or use aurally. II、 The students should always learn and practise grammar rules as part of communication meaning. III、Allow the natural curiosity of children to guide some of their language learning. 二、教学措施 学 情 分 析 1、Some students are not as interesting in English as other subjects. 2、There are many students who dont have a good habbit of learning. 教改措施 Ask the students to learn some new words by describing the objects and by playing games or playing other activities to improve their interest in English. 结合学科特点进行思想教育的安排意见 Make the students know about the different culture in different countries in order to make them more interested in English. 作业的布置与批改计划 Let the students write the words and expressions in each unit and some key sentences.They can do their best to practise English through the assignment. 课后补差、辅导和成绩考核计划 Find out the faults in their assignments and handle with them in time and do the best to improve the students5 English level. 课外活动计划 Ask the students to take part in more activities.such as playing games or making dramars or singing English songs and so on to improve. 本人业务培训、学习计划 In my spare time,I plan to join in more kinds of English training and work hard. Never too be late to learn. 周次 单元 单元教学目标 课题 教学 课时 J 8. 23 / 9.4 Unitl 1.理解A、B Read and write 中的会 诿,根据堆示填无句字 或回容何题;宜土 听、说;读,写 A、B 部分 Let s learn 和 Read and write 中 的四会单词置句子;, 3. 理解Let start, Lets sing, Lets chant 和 oair work等部分的内容; 4. .了八暖 pronunciation 胃8刀 的 字母组合连单词嗫音。 sectionA 3 sectionB 3 sectionC 2 五 9. 7 / 9. 25 Unit2 1. 能够简单描述 一周内的学习和生活 情况。 2. 介绍学校的课 程以及个人的周末安 排。 3. 能听懂简单的 问答,完成Lets try. 4. 能 了 解 Pronunciation 中的字 母组合在单词中的发 首。 sectionA 3 sectionB 3 sectionC 2 周次 单元 单元教学目标 课题 教学 课时 八 八 9. 28 / 10. 16 Unit3 1. 能够提问并 回答三餐所吃的食 物,egwhat do you have for lunch today /on Monday /We have 2. 能够简单描 述一些食物的味道, egThe apples are sweet. 3. r w pronunciation 中字 母 ow, oa, fr, fl 的农 音规则。 sectionA 3 sectionB 3 sectionC 2 九 10. 19 / 10. 23 Recycle 1 1.复习13单 元的语言和词汇,要 求学生做到能听懂, 会认读,并荏实际情 景中准确中准确表 达。 _ 2.复习1一3单 元 Lets learn 中的 四会单词和Read and wrire申的四会句 子,要求学生能熟练 地听,说,读,写。 Read and write Lets chant 2 Read and write . pair work. 1 Task time Lets play 1 周次 单元 单元教学目标 课题 教学课时 十 10. 26 10. 30 复习Revision 十 11. 2 11.6 Middle exam中期 十二 1.能够简单介绍自己会 做哪些家务劳动,eg I can sectionA 3 十三 9. 28 / 10. 16 Unit4 clean the bedroom. I can cook the meals. 2.能够询问别人会做什 么家务劳动,egWhat can you doCan you set the table sectionB 3 3. 能项多 了、解 pronunciation 部分的发音。 sectionC 2 1.能够简单描述家具陈 设的名称,数量及位置


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