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31词形转换 【学习目标】 熟知词形转换题型,了解命题目的,掌握答题技巧。 【试题概括】 共5小题,计5分。词形转换主要考查学生“识词、记词和用词”的能力。这类试题体现了 “词 不离句”的特点,要求学生注意单词在句子中的确切含义与正确形式,而不是孤立地死记硬背单词。 【命题目的】 单词拼写主要考查同学们“识词、记词和用词”的能力。这类试题体现了 “词不离句”的特点, 要求同学们注意单词在句子中的确切含义与正确形式。考查的词类以动.词、名词、形容词、副词、 代词、数词为主;测试的重点一般放在词形变化不规则、容易混淆、易漏写或错写的单词上。一如 名词复数、序数词、构词法、副词、形容词,涉及的单词在分布各册课本中。本题把对词形转换的考 查置于句子中进行,考查同学们对句子的理解及所给词汇的灵活运用,避免了同学们对词汇知识的死 记硬背。另外题干在不影响同学们对其理解的前提下做到了语言生活化、简洁化,但又不失科学严 谨。 【尝试练习】 1. It s possible for me to work out the problem in such a short time. 2. The more he said, the angry we felt. 3. The photos take on the Great Wall look very nice. 4. Everybody knows health comes first. 5. After a while the little dog came to it. 6. In which year did your parents get marry. 7. Keep quiet You are speaking too noise. 8. The boys scored in the twenty-six minute of the first half. 9. He was the second speak at the meeting and I was the first. 10. Her decide sounds good but it s hard to try out. 11. After the mouth - to - mouth breathing, the SARS patients came back to them. 12. There is much foggy in the town. „ You d better not go in. 13. luck, he missed the last bus. 14. The .health you eat, the better you 11 be. 15. Two three of the earth is covered by water. 16. Children were, excited to see the appear of the plant they grew. 17. In a surprise result, the boys were beaten by the girls. 18. where you go, I 11 right be here waiting for you 19. It s said that his father is one of the greatest journalists live. 20. The meat tastesterrible good. 21. How care he is doing his homework I can hardly understand it. 22. Children under 1. 2m in high are not allowed to come in. 23. His mother cut tjie apple into, two half. 24. In west countries, the most important holiday is Christmas. 25. The picture book made the baby very interest. 26. China and India are little developed countries. 27. Could you please fill in your person ination here 28. The injection given by the nurse wasn t pain at all. 29. Xiao Li s dog has been die for nearly two months. 30. What a good , cook Jim is 【答题技巧】 这种题型是融词法、句法、词义、词形于一体的综合运用语言知识的主观性测试题,突出考查同 学们的语言运用能力。我们除需要有熟记单词、强化对单词拼写题的训练外,掌握其应试的解题方法 和技巧也是很重要的。 1. 认真阅读全句,正确理解词义。 2. 分析句子的结构,正确判断应填词的词性。 3. 正确判断所填词应用什么样的形式。若是名词可数与不可数、单数与复数、名词的所有格、 若是动词时态、语态、时态语态、人称与数的一致形式、非谓语动词形式not do /to do /doing Ver/or/ion/ment构成名词、若是形容词比较级、最高级、形副词之间的转换关系、beadj、 Vadv、adv修饰adj等、若是代词人称代词的主格与宾格、形容词性与名词性的物主代词、反身 代词的各种转换形式及其一些固定搭配、若是数词分清序数词、分数词的拼写与变化形式o 4.注 意一些常用.的词缀。表示反义的un-、im- dis-、名词词缀-er、- or、- tion、-merit、表示形副 容词的-able、-ful、-al、Ty、-bly,表示天气的-y等。 [学后反思] 【参考答案】 1. impossible 2. angrier 3. taken 4. health 5. itself 6. married 7.noisily 8. twenty-sixth 9. speaker 10. decision 11. themselves 12. fog 13. Unluckily 14. more healthily 15.thirds 16. appearance 17. surprising 18. Wherever 19. alive 20. terribly 21.carelessly 22.height 23.halves 24. western 25. interested 26.l


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