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七年级英语Unit 22 The sports meeting人教四年制 【同步教育信息】 .本周教学内容 Unit 22 The sports meeting 二. 重难点分析 1. Last week No. 14 Middle School held a sports meeting on the playground . 上周14中在操场上开了一次运动会。 hold的用法 1 召开、举行 ① They held a meeting yesterday .他们昨天召开了一个会议。 ② We had an examination last week .上周我们举行了 一次考试 2 拿着、握着、抓住、抱着 ③ The boy was holding the money tightly in his hand .那个男孩手中紧紧抓着钱。 ④ The mother held her baby and sang it to sleep .那位母亲抱着婴儿唱歌哄他入睡。 3 容纳 ⑤ The hall can hold 800 people .大厅可容纳 800 人。 2. Lin Tao did quite well, but Bill did better than Lin Tao . 林涛表现不错,但比尔表现得比林涛还好。 do well意为表现得好,干得好” do well in名词/doing与be good at名词/doing都表 示“在表现得好,擅长”例如 1 Jim does well in English . Jim is good at English . 吉姆英语不错。 2 Lucy does well in swimming . Lucy is good at swimming . 露茜擅长游泳。 3. Do you take an active part in it 你积极参加运动会吗 take part in意为参加,take an active part in意为“积极参加。主要指参加某项活 动,运动和比赛。例如 1 Which sport did you take part in yesterday 你昨天参加 了哪项运动 2 We all like to take part in physical labour 我们都喜欢参加体力劳动。 3 My son takes an active part in saving water .我儿子积极参加节水活动。 4. Li Lei ran much faster than the other boys .李雷比其他男孩跑得快得多。 比较级thanthe otherm复数意为“比其他人都”这个句式用比较级的形式表达 了最高级的含义。和句式“比较级thanany othern单数”意思相同,例如 1 Shanghai is larger than the other cities in China . Shanghai is larger than any other city in China .上海比中国的其他城市都大。 2 Lin Tao is taller than the other students in his class Lin Tao is taller than any other student in his class .林涛比他班里其他学生都高。 Lin Tao is the tallest student in his class .林涛是他班里最高的学生。 5. At the end of the first lap , Li Lei quickly passed the stick on to Jim . 在第一圈末,李雷很快把棒传给了吉姆。 pass on ... to意为把传给例如 1 Would you please pass on the message to Jim 请你给吉姆捎个信好吗 2 Read the letter and pass it on to him ,读后将这封信传给他。 pass组成的短语常用的还有 pass sth to sb.把某事传给某人,pass by路过,pass over放过,忽视。 6. Jiang Honglin was catching up fast, but not fast enough .姜洪林正迅速赶上,但不够快。 enough当副词用时,意为“足够地,充足地”用于动词、形容词,和副词之后,例如 1 Are you warm enough in the room 在这个房间里你够暖和吗 2 You don5t practise enough at the piano .你钢琴练习得不够。 少venough for sb to do sth.意为“足够做例如 3 The house is big enough for us to live in .这房子足够我们住。 4 Is the river deep enough to swim in 在这条河里游泳水够深吗 7. He was first past the finishing line .他第一个路过终点线。 past 一词的用法 1 past prep 经过,例如 ① She walked past the shop .她走过那家商店。 ② He hurried past me without stopping .他匆忙从我身边走过停也没停。 2 past prep 超过 ③ I waited until half past nine .我一直等到九点半。 3 past adj过去的,完了的。 ④ Dont worry about past mistakes .别在意过去的错误。 ⑤ The days of silent movies are past.无声电影的时代过去了。 4 pastn.过去,过去的事情。 ⑥ We can Change the past.我们不能改变过去。 8. Take turns to ask questions .轮流问问题。 take turns意为“轮流”例如 1 We took turns to drive a car .我们轮流开车。 2 We have to take turns to use that bike .我们只好轮流用那辆自行车。 由turn组成的短语还有Ifs one9s turn to do sth ,该轮到某人干某事;by turns轮流, 交替;wait for ones turn按队等候。 .本单元短语 I. hold a sports meeting 开运动会 3. h


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