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七年级上学期英语作文复习 1 请根据以下提示,以Shenzhen City为题,词数70词左右。 提示1.深圳有很多主题公园themepark,人们喜欢在这些主题公园里玩; 2. 深圳有很多漂亮的海,很多人喜欢去海里游泳; 3. 深圳逛街的地方很多,大家都喜欢来深圳购物; 4. 深圳还有很多美味的食物。 Visiting Shenzhen Shenzhen is a beautiful city. There are many theme parks in Shenzhen, such as the Happy Valley and Window to the world. Many people like having fun in these parks. There are also many beautiful seas in Shenzhen. One of the most popular beaches is Dameisha. If you like going shopping, Shenzhen is a great place for you. There are expensive shops and cheap ones. There are also many different kinds of delicious food in Shenzhen. Welcome to Shenzhen. 2 春节即将到来,大多数的中国家庭都要购买年货,但玛丽却不同,他们不为春节做准备, 因为他们不在家过春节而是去旅行。今年他们打算去海南,他们认为冬天是去那里的最好 季节。请写一篇短文介绍玛丽家如何过春节。 Have a special Spring Festival The Spring Festival is coming. Most Chinese families go shopping and clean the house to celebrate it. But Marys family dont get ready for the festival, because they dont stay at home. They usually take a trip during the festival. This year, they are going to Hainan. They think winter is the best time to visit it. They hope to have a special festival. 3 我们只有-个地球,我们应该怎样保护地球呢请你根据以下提示写一篇爆为“How io ect the Earth的短文 70词左右。可以适当发挥。 提示;I.不乱扔垃圾、不乱排污水; 2. 种植更多的树木; 3. 足量骑自行车或坐公交车. How to protect the Earth We have only one Earth, and we should protect it. How to protect the Earth We have only one Earth, and we should protect it. There are many ways to protect the Earth. First, we should protect our Earth by not throwing away rubbish everywhere or putting dirty water freely. Second, I think we must stop cutting down trees freely and plant more trees. Trees can make the air clean and make the world beautiful. Third, we should try to ride bikes or take buses to help reduce air pollution. If we can do these well, our Earth will become healthier and more beautiful. 4 假如你叫董明,昨天你参加了你们学校的社团展销会,但是你不知道自己该参加哪个 社团,以下是几个社团的信息,请你根据这些信息,给你在美国的表哥 Jason写一封邮件,告诉他你的困惑并向他寻求一些建议。要求可根据内容适当发 挥,注意行文连贯。60-80词左右。 社团 信息 摄影社 教大家如何拍出美丽的照片 觉得这个社团有趣.但妈坞不让参加 机器 人社 教如何制作机器人和如何用遥技器 Ai 4门 觉得这个社团很好,但朋友觉得没 有意忠 篮球社 可以学到一些打篮球的技巧 觉得有些无撕但老师说很有用 Dear Jason, I need your help. Can you give me some advice Write to me soon. Yours, Dong Ming Yesterday I attended the Clubs Fair in our school. However, I dont know which club I should join.I think the Photography Club is interesting. It teaches us how to take wonderful photos. But my mother asks me not to join it. The Robot Club teaches us how to make robots and how to drive these robots with remote controls. I think ifs great but my friends think the club is not fun.Students can learn about some basketball skills at the Basketball Club. I think the club is boring, but my teacher says its useful. 5 请根据以下提示,以My star为题,词数70词左右。 提示2016里约奥运会上,我国游泳选手傅园慧因其丰富的表情而走红。请根据以下表格 中的信息,写一篇短文,简单介绍一下她。 要求1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;2. 80次以上; 姓名傅园慧 职业游泳运动员 来自浙江杭州 擅长游泳 家庭成员妈妈(在酒店工作)、爸爸(在一家公司工作) 别人的评价有趣的女生 The girl in the picture is Fu Yuanhui. She is very pop


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