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英语写作常用谚语分类背诵(英汉对照) 一、时间与机会期 Time and Opportunity 1. Time and chance reveal all secrets.时机揭露一切秘密。 2. The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day. 一日之计在于晨。 3. The first in the boat has the choice of oars.捷足先登。 4. There are more ways to the wood than one.天无绝人之路。 5. Time cures all things.时间能医治一切。 6. Time is the father of truth and experience is the mother of science. 时间是真理主义,经验是知识之母亲。 7. As every thread of gold is valuable, so every moment of time. 一寸光阴 一寸金。 8. Opportunities do not wait.机不可失,时不再来。 9. Chance is a word of sense; nothing can exist without a cause. 机遇是没有任何意义的词;什么东西也不会无缘无故地存在。 10. It is better to trust in labor than in luck.靠运气不如靠努力。 二、勤奋与事业 Diligences and business 1. Necessity sharpens Industry.需要使人变得勤劳。 2. Never be ashamed to eat your meat.自食其力,心安理得。 3. Out of debt, out of price.贵在时令。 4. Penny wise, pound foolish. 因小失大。 5. Lazy folks take the most pains.偷赖的人吃最大的苦头。 6. Leisure is the reward of labor.闲逸是劳动的报酬。 7. Let every man do what he was made for.人尽其才,物尽其用。 8. To the timid, everything is impossible. 胆小怕事,优柔寡断,就会觉得什么都不可能。 9. A well-prepared mind hopes in adversity, and fears in prosperity., 遇事有准备的人逢逆境不失望,处顺境不大意。 10. A bold attempt is half success.大胆的尝试等于成功的一半。 三、知识与经验 Knowledge and Experience 1. Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 知识令人谦虚,无知令人骄傲。 2. Knowledge is the antidote to fear.知识是恐惧的解毒剂。 3. No man is wise at all times.智者千虑,必有一失。 4. No man is the worst for knowing the worst himself. 懂得自己是最无用的人,并非最无用的人。 5. Man knows nothing but what he has learned from experience.不吃堑, 不长一智。 6. He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first step.登高必 自卑。 7. Stupidity wont kill you, but it can make you sweat. 愚蠢不会令人丧生,却会令人吃苦。 8. Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the best ends by the best means. 所谓智慧是指用最好的方法谋划取最好的结果。 9. Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind. 天才是将心里想到的东西付诸实施的能力。 10. The mark of great minds is to say many things in a few words, while the mark of little minds is to use many words to say nothing. 大智者廖廖数语,即能达意;寡智者口若悬河,仍言之无物。 四、学习与工作Study and Work 1. Learn young, learn fair.学习趁年少,学就要学好。 2. Learning makes a great man better and an ignorant man worse. 知识使好人更好,使坏人更坏。 3. Learning makes the wise wiser, but the fool more foolish. 知识使智者更聪明,使愚者更愚蠢。 4. Learning without thought is bourbons.学而不思贝U 罔。 5. Learn wisdom by the follies of others. 引他人之愚行作为戒鉴,可以增长自己的智慧。 6. Study to be what you wish to seem.学习成为你所理想的人物。 7. He that nothing questions, nothing learns.不提问题的人,学不到东西。 8. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. 倾囊求知,无人能夺。 9. Men learn by their sufferings more than by any other teaching. 从苦难中学到的东西超过别的教导。 10. Argument is an exchange of ignorance.争辩是交换无知。 五、生活与运气Life and Luck 1. Our life is but a span.人生须臾。 2. The nearest way is commonly the foulest. 事无捷径。 3. The morning sun never lasts a day.朝阳虽好,难以终日。 4. Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。 5. It is not the lofty sails but the unseen wind that moves the ship. 推


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