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英语写作讲解 一高考作文类型 A. 数据说明类文章 B. 提示议论文类文章 C. 看图说话类文章 二影响高考英语书面表达得分的几个因素 1. 语篇信息是否完整 2. 行文是否连贯流畅,语言是否得体。 3. 是否使用高级词汇 4. 是否使用复杂句 5 .卷面整洁,书写工整 三写作中普遍存在的几个问题 . 一 .写作态度不端正 1. 用汉语拼音 2. 抄袭阅读理解等,企图蒙混过关。 .二.语言表达有错误,单词拼写不规范。 l. There were two persons stood there ・ There were two persons standing there. 2.Our hometown has taken place great changes.Great changes have taken place in our hometown. 3. heared heardfailed fell angerily angrily .三要点有所遗漏 对策彻底理解题意,看准答题要求,提前列好提纲。 .四字数过少 对策紧扣主题,在围绕中心的前提下适当发挥。 .五字数过多 对策舍得删减无关紧要的内容或转化上文已经用过的语法形式,化繁为简。 六。语言使用不灵活,机械翻译,或汉语思维过于明显。 七。跑题 八。书写过乱,或卷面修改涂抹过多。 九。缺少连接词,文章缺乏整体感和连贯性。 ,十。乱用标点 四.写作基本步骤 1.仔细审题,列举大纲。 2 .围绕要点,写出句子。 3.添加过度,确保连贯。 4 .先求正确,再求灵活。 5. 认真眷写,卷面整洁。 Hoj to jrit a gaud eGinpojition 现在正是春暖花开的春游时节。你校学生以“高三学生要不要参加春游活动”展开了讨论。 请根据以下讨论结果,写一篇短文。 6 5 的学生认为 3 5 的学生认为 1 应该春游 1 不应该春游 2 .接触大自然,呼吸新鲜空气, 有利健康 2.高考临近,没有心情玩 3 .活动是精神放松,大脑休息, 有利于学习 3.春游耽误学习 例文 Whether or not should Senior 3 students go spring outing We have had a heated discussion. Opinions are divided on the question. Most students, about 65, are for the idea that Senior 3 students should go spring outing. They think it good for their health to be close to nature and breathe some fresh air and what s more, they can relax themselves for a while and rest their brains so that they will be more energetic. They think it will do good to their students. On the other hand, about 35 students are against the idea. They say that with college entrance examinations drawing near, they don t feel like going anywhere. Besides, they think going spring outing will take at least a day off. They can t afford the time. They think they should fix their attention on their studies Can you list the outline of the writing The outline of the writing Introduction paragraph ... supporting idea 1 supporting idea 2 supporting idea 1 supporting idea 2 Conclusion paragraph ... Point 1... Body Point 2... Key words 1 .introductiontopic 高三学生 senior 3 students 春游go spring outing 讨论 discussion 2. bodysupporting ideas 接触自然be close to nature 呼吸新鲜空气breathe some fresh air 精神放松relax themselves 大脑休息rest their brains 高考临近 with college entrance examinations drawing near 没心情玩don t feel like going 耽误学习waste the time 3. conclusion in my opinion... Key words中学生 middle school students 身体差 in a poor state of health In bad condition 充足的睡眠enough sleep -加强锻炼,增加户外活动 take more rcise and do more outdoor activities 定时吃饭少吃零食 have three meals regularly,eat less non-staple』E主食的food. 讲卫生 /develop the habit of hygiene How will you start you passage 问句 从句 Introduction (sample) Whether on not should Senior 3 students co spring outing We have had a heated discussion. 主题句的内容要明确具体,语言简洁,开门见山,句式力争多样性 巧用过渡句,过渡词,理顺文章的逻辑关系Pay special attention to the transition sentences few Opinions are divided on the question. The body part Pointl 65的人认为应该春游(


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