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4 More examples l.walk A. to walk very quickly stride, march, pace. B. to walk slowly and in a relaxed way stroll, amble, saunter. C. to walk slowly because you are tired and have been walking for a long time trudge, plod, traipse/ treips /. D. to walk slowly and with difficulty, for example because of illness, pain, or old age hobble, limp, shuffle, shamble. E. to walk in an unsteady way stagger, stumble, lurch. F. to walk withy heavy, noisy steps stomp, clump. G. to walk quietly with light steps pad, creep, tiptoe, sneak. H. to walk proudly swagger, strut, parade. I. to walk around a place without any particular aim walk around, roam, wander, prowl. J. to walk for rcise and enjoyment walk go for a walk/ take a walk, go for a stroll, hike trek, stretch your legs 2.look at A. look at someone or something for a long time stare, gaze, gape. B. to look at sb. or sth. with interests or because you do not trust them eye, look sb. up and down. C. to look carefully at sth., for example because you are interested in it, you want to check or mend it etc. look at, have a look/ take a look, look over, examine, view, admire. D. to look at sb. or sth. quickly glance, shoot/cast/throw a glance, peep/ have a peep, peek/ have a peek, take one look, have/take a quick look. E. to look hard at sth. that is difficult to see squint, peer. F. to look at sb. angrily glare, look daggers at, give sb a dirty/black look, scowl, if looks could kill. G. to look at sb. in a way that shows you are sexually interested in them eye sb. up, make eyes at, ogle, leer at. H. to look at the things in a shop, but without looking for any one thing in particular look around/have a look around, browse, be just looking. 3. cry A. to cry because of sadness, pain, or strong emotion cry, weep, be in tears, tearful, have tears in your eyes. B. to cry a lot cry your eyes out, tears roll/ run down sb.s cheeks. C. to cry noisily or in an annoying way sob, snivel/ sniffle, whimper, blubber, crybaby. D. to start to cry start to cry/ start crying, burst into tears, break down, turn on the waterworks. 4. angry A. feeling angry angry, mad, annoyed, cross, be in a temper. B. feeling extremely angry furious, irate, incensed, livid, seething. C. angry because you think that something is wrong or unfair indignant, be up in arms, sore, resent, in a huff, be disgusted. D. to become angry get angry/mad9 lose your temper. E. words for describing meetings, arguments, etc in which people express angry feelings angry, furious, stormy, heated, furore, uproar, feelings run high. 5. tree pine tree (松树),willow tree (柳树),birch tree (白桦树),maple tree (枫树),oak tree (橡树),elm tree (榆树). 6. animal all kinds of animals A. In the desert live many animals and insects, like hawk (鹰),owl (猫头鹰),coyote (北美山狗), mountain lion (美洲项而),camel, vulture (兀[wu] 鹫)9 lizard (蜥蜴)9 tortoise (龟),rat, snake and insects are spider, grasshopper(蚱蠕),fly, moth (飞蛾),cricket (


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