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Unit 3 海报 Posters 一、写作技巧 海报是人们日常生活中最为常见的一种招贴形式,通常贴在人来人往的地方,告知广大 群众大多是喜闻乐见的消息,如电影、戏曲、球赛、文艺演出、商品报道等等,其性质类似 广告,有的还配以绘画以增加吸引力。海报中通常写明活动的性质,活动的主办单位、时间、 地点等内容。海报的内容力求简明扼要,形式做到新颖美观。 海报的格式通常有三部分组成,即标题、正文和落款。 一 标题Subject Line 海报的标题是一则海报的宣传“窗户”。因此标题的撰写尽量做到简洁明了,新颖醒目, 抓住读者的兴趣和注意力,使人看了“一读钟情”。海报的标题形式通常有两种一是直接使 用“海报Poster”一词;另一种则是根据海报的内容,撰写标题。例如 例1 POSTER 例2 FOOTBALL MATCH All Are Warmly Welcome 二 正文Text 海报正文是海报的核心部分,它是对海报标题的具体描述。语言要求形象生动,简明扼 要。做到既有鼓动性,又不夸大其词。正文的常见表现形式有简介说明式、文学描述式、 美术设计式。例如 例1 POSTER Nowadays, many parents are worrying about their childrens learning. Please take it easy, the Student Union of Zhejiang University will assist you in making excellent tutors. Charge is low, only 10 yuan for one hour. But the assistance is really great and your child will be number one in the class very soon. Time for tutoring is at parents disposal. Please contact Miss Wang Li at the number 8118180 ext 1234 The Student Union Zhejiang University Feb. 16, 2004 例2 Ball For 2004 Hello, ”2004 Goodbye, ”2003 Just for you, we will have a ball. Time 730 p.m.,Apr.2 Place Assembly Hall 三落款Signature of Sponsor 海报的落款要写明主办单位名称以及撰写日期。海报的落款通常写在海报正文的左下 角,日期位于主办单位名称的下方,既可写在左下角,也可写在右下角。例如 Basketball Match Friendly Basketball Match Evergreen School Team, Seattle, U.S.A. Versus The Attached High School Team, Zhejiang University Time At 400 p.m. Saturday, April 3,2004 Place On the Basketball Court in front of the Gymnasium Hall The Physical Education Teaching Research Institute. March 30, 2004 二、经典范文 例一足球赛A Football Match Poster Welcome to the friendly football match to be held between Maths Department and Chinese Department on the football field at 300 p.m. on Saturday, Nov 10th, 2005. Football Club Thursday, Nov. 8, 2005 海报 数学系与中文系足球队将于2005年11月10 S 星期六下午3时在操场举行足球友 谊赛,欢迎大家前往助兴。 足球俱乐部 2005年11月8日(星期四) 例二影讯(FilmNews) Film News Qiuju Goes to Court, a very well-known Chinese feature film, will be shown in the Perance Hall of Music Department at half past six tonight. Admissions are by ticket. Tickets, one yuan for each, are available at room 103, Music Department. Film Club Saturday, Nov. 10 影讯 今晚六点半在音乐系排演厅放映著名国产故事片秋菊打官司,一律凭票入场,票价 一元。售票地点音乐系103室。 电影俱乐部 11月10日 例三 文艺演出(Artistic Perance ) English Play Under the auspices of the English Club, an English play entitled Death of a Salesman will be presented at the college auditorium at seven oclock on Saturday evening, Nov. 11, 2005. All are welcome to be present. The Students Union English Department Thursday, Nov. 9, 2005 英文剧演出 由英语俱乐部主办的英文剧推销员之死将于2005年11月11日(星期六)晚七点 在学校大礼堂上演,欢迎观看。 英语系学生会 2005年11月9日(星期四) 例四商品大拍卖海报 GOOD NEWS Summer Clearance Sales All the goods on show are sold at twenty percent discount. Please examine and choose them carefully before you pay. There will be no replacement or refunding. You have been warned in advance. You are welcome to make your choice. Personal Shopping Service 好消息 夏季清仓物资处理 本店陈列商品一律八折出


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