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语用语境视角下国际商务活动中非言语交 际探究 【摘要】在具体的国际商务活动中,非言语行为 对交际成功起着不容忽视的作用。笔者从语用语境理论这一 新视角,结合国际商务成功与失败的实例,分析了国际商务 活动中的非言语交际行为。 【关键词】国际商务活动非言语行为语用语境理论 【中图分类号】H030【文献标识码】A【文章编号】 1674-4810 2013 28-0046-02 一引言 在国际商务活动中,研究者们日益关注非言语交际的重 要性及非言语行为所承载的文化意义。事实上,在实际的国 际商务环境中,许多优秀的中国商务人士精读英语语法知 识,语言表达流利,但却不能很好地理解和使用非言语符号。 在国际商务活动中,有效地使用和理解非言语行为,取决于 交际时的语境,因此,本文试着从语用语境视角来分析国际 商务活动中的非言语交际行为。 二非言语交际的分类 毕继万教授将非言语交际分为以下四大类1身势语, Kinesics; 2副语言,Paralanguage; 3客体语,Object language; 4 环境语,Environmental languageo 三语用语境理论 语境理论历来都是语用学家、语义学家、语用学家、语 言哲学家及认知科学家等共同关心的课题。各家各派学者都 从各个侧面、各个角度对语境概念进行了界定,对语境要素 进行了归纳,对语境意义进行阐释。经历了从传统的静态语 境发展为动态的认知语境,徐思益教授提出了语用语境的两 个层面核心语用语境及认知语用语境。如左图所示。 四不同非语言交际在国际商务活动中的运用 1.身势语 Example 1 A is an American, B is a Japanese. A Because of your inferior packing, the article had been badly damaged. So we now file a claim with you for the loss. B Keep quiet, fidgeting with a pen. A what I mean is that we need you to arrange for immediate dispatch of replacement at the favorable price available. B Put down his pen. I am sorry for the very inconveniences bring to you. The Time after the article was damaged Place In the office Participate A and B Purpose A tries to get claim Condition A lodged a claim to B due to the damage Topic Claim In this example, A s existing assumption that is that B would pay for the loss. B s fidgeting with a pen conveys B s upset. Therefore , for B, new ination strengthened the existing assumption, a new assumption was developed. We can not infer the ination just by using the six core pragmatic contextual elements. Also analyze A s psychological background in this case. Therefore , gestures can easily be understood by using pragmatic context theory. 2.副语言 Example 2 A is a businessman from America, B is from Tanzania. A conversation was made between them in Brussels. A Could you please have some coffee B No, thanks, I am full. A After a while Some coffee B Thanks. Pause a while, I am not hungry. A Soon, how about going out to get something to drink B It is too cold outside. A Coffee B PauseOK. Time Business time Place In Brussels Participants A and B Purpose To get some coffee Condition One asks as the other answers Topic Coffee From the conversation, we can get the ination that at the beginning, A and B could not be well understood. The cause of the problem was their understanding of coffee. B was from Tanzania where coffee was cultivated. So in his daily life, coffee was a food rather than a drink. However, coffee in America was quite contrary. 3.客体语 Example 3 Jun Chen worked in one American company that had al dress code. Being unaware of this. When Jun Chen went to the company for registration, he wore a jeans and a T-shirt. His fellow employees were surprised at his lack of discretion. The boss told him he would wear suits. The next week, Jun Chen was told to go to a restaurant for dinner. Jun Chen he wore al suit


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