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课题四级培训之-一写作篇 目的要求 帮助学生了解大学英语四级考试写作的要求; 让学生了解考试题型; 介绍不同的写作应对策略; 提出合理的复习建议 教学重点 让学生了解大学英语四级考试写作部分的考试要求,并采用有效地 写作策略 教学难点 采用有效地写作策略提高写作水平 教学课时 12课时 教学方法 过程教学法 教学内容与步骤 Step 1四级考试作文要求 1卷面整洁 2字数达标 3. 文体统一如不能用下面的句子结尾Do you agree with me Thats my opinion. Thats all, thank you; OK. This is what I want to say. 4主题突出文章中的主题句应紧紧围绕文章主题来写,段落中的扩展句应围绕 段落主题句来组织.例如,下面是一篇范文,标题为Is Test of Spoken English Necessary “A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English TestCET The news causes a heated debate over the necessity of the test. Different people hold different opinions on this matter. This is quite natural because people have quite different experiences and views about the world. It is commonly accepted that such a test in China is very necessary. In contrast, others think it unnecessary. 5文字连贯 一篇好文章应该表达流畅,语言连贯。连贯性主要体现在句子与句子,段落 与段落的衔接上,这种衔接主要通过衔接词来实现。例如 It is clear that television news can bring us massive important events, such as wars, games and so on, but it cannot cover stories in detail because of its time limitation. On the contrary ,printed news excels in its ability to devote as much space to a story as it sees fit, though it cannot compete with television visually. 这一段中 such as , but, because of, on the contrary , though 五个衔接词把句子 从语义上连接起来,形成一个有机的整体,读起来如行云流水,自然酣畅。 6内容一致 好文章应该主题突出,内容一致。因此,考生在写作中要删除与主题内容 不符的句子和多余的词语,否则,一是破坏了文章的一致性,二是有凑字数之 嫌。看下面这段文字 Those who hold the first opinion think that spoken English is very important in todays society. Some people fear that college students will not per well in oral communication with foreigners. They say that China will certainly continue her open-door policy in the future. And any failure of this policy will hold back the development of Chinese economy. In their view, a test of spoken English will urge college students to improve their oral English . However, others think that writing skills are enough for daily use. They argue that spoken English does not necessarily mean better opportunities. 7词语多样 单词,句型使用的多样化不仅使文章生动,增强文章的可读性,同时也可反 映出考生的词汇量和语言掌握的程度。考生在举例说明的段落中尤其要注意词语 的多样性。再看下一段文字 In a typical city there are five main sources of air pollution. Waste disposal is the least important 一it causes only 3 percent of the total pollution. Heating accounts for 6 percent. The next important source is power plants一they account for 14 percent; and 17 percent of the pollution in the air comes from industry. But by far the most serious cause of air pollution is cars cars alone cause 60 percent of air pollution in most large cities. 8符合试题要求 无论是什么形式的作文都有写作内容上的要求。考生在动笔前一定要看清 题目要求写哪些内容,要求从几个方面写,确保内容的完整性。四级写作有一条 扣分标准 作文缺段.缺第一部分缺第二部分.缺第三部分. 扣分标准扣3分扣10分扣7分 9语言流畅 语言流畅,文章通顺,表达准确,是考生的高分的基础。For example Last year the British public spend 2000,000,000 pounds on pet food alone, to say nothing of animal care bills and furniture. It is difficult not to feel resentful about this when one considers what the same amount could do for vict


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