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摘要I AbstractII 引言1 1我国过劳死的现状3 1.1过劳死现象加剧3 1.2过劳死救济困难3 2过劳死的法律概念界定及认定标准4 2.1过劳死的国外法律概念界定及认定标准4 2.2过劳死的国内法律概念界定及认定标准5 3实案分析7 3.1通过日本过劳死工伤认定标准分析7 3.2通过美国工伤标准分析8 3.3运用我国工伤标准分析8 4完善我国过劳死法律规制的建议12 4.1加强过劳死立法,把过劳死划入工伤范畴12 4.2加强劳动监察12 4.3完善我国的工时制度13 4.4完善我国的工会制度13 结论14 参考文献15 致谢16 摘 要 随着社会经济的迅速发展,竞争越发激烈,劳动者们承担的工作压力 也越来越大,加班也成为了他们工作生活的一部分,劳动者加班难免透支 自身的体力与精力完成超额的工作任务,又或者主动选择增加自己的工作 量来谋取更好的生活质量,这使得我国的过劳死现象日益频发。根据数据 统计,截止至2012年底,我国过劳死的人数就已逾60万,成为了过劳死 人数最多的国家,在随后几年呈上升趋势,而且每一位劳动者的生命都可 能遭受过劳死的威胁,我们应该高度关注。但是,应对这种社会问题,我 国可以加强对过劳死问题的研究来解决现行法律规定的不足。本文作者认 为有必要将过劳死纳入工伤,借鉴在该方面更为合法合理的规制,结合我 国的状况加以解决,完善规范,需要加强劳动监察,进一步细化劳动监察 部门的职权,增加其主动执法的能力,提高解决纠纷的效率。需要完善我 国的工时制度,适应劳动者的各种工作类型进行合理调整,需要完善我国 的工会制度,发挥其独立保护劳动者权益的能力。以此维护我国劳动者的 合法权益,改善该现象。 关键词过劳死;工伤;完善建议;救济 Abstract In pace with the rapid development of social economy, the competition is more and more sharp. The pressure on workers is also increasing. Working overtime is also a part of their work and life. It is inevitable for workers to overdraw their physical strength and energy to complete excessive work tasks, or to actively choose to increase their workload to seek better quality of life. Besides, in order to improve the quality of their life, they may take the initiative to increase their workload. Thus makes the phenomenon of overwork death more and more frequent in our country. According to statistics,by the year 2012, the number of people who died from overwork has already reached 600 thousand, become the largest country of death from overwork. In the following years,it was on the rise. Death from overwork may endanger every works life , so we should attach great importance to it. However, our country can strengthen the research on the problem of death from overwork to solve the deficiency of the current law to deal with such social problem.The author think that we can include the death from overwork into the industrial injury. Learn from the more legal and reasonable regulations in this regard, and combine with current situation of our country to solve the problem. It is necessary to strengthen labor supervision, further refine the authority of labor supervision department, increase the ability of active law enforcement, and ameliorate the efficiency of dispute resolution. It is necessary to ameliorate the working hour system of our country, to adapt to the reasonable adjustment of various types of work , to ameliorate the trade union system of different kinds of work, to perfect the labor unionism,and to rt its ability to independently protect labor 5s rights and interests, with these s, we can preserve the legitimate interests of Chinese labor, and improve this phenomenon of death from overwork. Keywords death from overwork; industrial injury improvement suggestions; relief 引 言 在社会经济高速发展的今天,劳动者过度劳动的现象更加普遍,加班 于劳动者而言,已经是日常生活中的一部分,而由于过度工作劳累引发的 身体健康问题也更加突出,甚至每年都有不少劳动者过劳致死的悲剧发生。 过劳死现象日益频发,并且在维权和救济方面存在较大困难,劳动者的合 法权益得不到充分保障,过劳死已然是不可忽视的社会问题。 关于过劳死问题的认定,我国现行法


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