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eduction is as much an art as a science, but many guys seem to forget the science part. In this article, I 11 give you the skinny on which of 5 body parts yours AND hers can tote-up major points on the Seduce-Her Scoreboard Lets go Instructions DifficultyEasy Things You 11 Need Stepl NOSE A womans nose tells her a ton about you. Do you smell good Have you taken a bath since Clinton was Prez Some studies say a womans sense of smell is in some ways more developed than a mans, so step one here is Work Her Nose -- always stay a well showered, well deodorant5 ed, clean smelling man. A good quality cologne will help, but put it on to impress 一一 not to mug her with a smell that arrives 10 minutes before you Step2 MOUTH I5 m amazed at the guys who refuse to smile. Either they leer at a woman like a deranged rabbit, or theyre lip-wrapping their teeth like those pearly whites are purple and green. A natural and warm SMILE will make a huge first impression, so use it rather than lose it and her. And remember they dont call them pearly whites for nuttin, -- get your teeth cleaned by a dentist twice a year, and brush those jewels after every meal. They may well spell the difference between you smiling or not smiling on your next date Step3 EARS I5 ve heard it said for years, from both ss, that a mans voice can often be the thing that sets a womans seduction meter working overtime. Pull your voice up from your solar plexus, speak clearly and deeply when you can feel you own rib cage sort of vibrate when you talk, you5 re there, and use your voices volume to its best effect. Learn to whisper clearly, and learn to speak so everyone knows THIS dude has a MANS voice Step4 SKELETON A-ten-him You dont have to be in the Army or Marines to have good posture, but it helps. Look at your favorite movie stars and athletes, do you see them slouching, shoulders rounded, back curved Nope; theyre standing up straight and proud. Your body is your instrument, Dude, make sure everyone can see you keep your polished, proud, and standing tall. Step5 EYES Eye contact is really the ultimate secret sauce in this list. Learn how to make smoldering eye contact with a woman and the pathway to Seduction Success is Secure Don,t just LOOK at the lady 一 linger over her eyes with yours. Break eye contact slooooooooowly, as if your eyes just slowed down to a snails pace. But. .. . dont STARE; look at her eyes deeply, taking time to really see each eye, their color, texture, and depth. Its a winning move 一一 and most dudes have lame game here. 把妹是艺术也是科学,但很多男人似乎把科学这一部分忘得干干净净。 在本文中,我将告诉你五个身体部位(你的和她的)的绝招,能显著增 加你的把妹指数。这就开始吧 具体方法 难易度容易 所需东西 第一步 鼻子女人的鼻子能告诉她关于你的很多信息。你好不好闻你还是在 克林顿任总统期间洗的澡吧 一些研究表明,女人的嗅觉在某些方面 要比男人灵敏。因此,第一步就是要“专攻她的鼻子”一一要一直做个 勤洗澡、抹香水、保持清爽体味的男人。优质的古龙水很好用,但要用 量适当,营造好感即可不要十米开外就能把她熏死 第二步 嘴巴我很诧异有些男人不愿微笑。要么他们视女人为惊慌的兔子,要 么他们用嘴唇紧紧裹住牙齿,就仿佛它们并非雪白如珍珠,而是又青 又紫的。一个自然而温暖的笑容能产生很深刻的初次印象,所以,要善 于使用微笑,而不要错过微笑(和她)。还要记住,她们不把板栗称为 珍珠


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