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摘要I AbstractII 引言1 1非法证据排除规则的发展历程3 1.1非法证据排除规则的产生3 1.2非法证据排除规则的发展4 1.3非法证据排除规则的成熟4 2英美国家法律体系下的非法证据排除规则概述6 2.1英国概述6 2.2美国概述7 2.3英美模式下的非法证据排除规则对我国的启示7 3中国司法体制下的非法证据排除规则9 3.1我国非法证据排除规则的适用现状9 3.2我国现行司法体系下非法证据排除规则的弊端10 3.2.1非法证据排除规则立法中的缺陷10 3.2.2非法证据排除规则程序中的缺陷11 4我国非法证据排除规则适用的建议13 4.1非法证据排除规则实体立法规定的合理化建议13 4.1.1扩大非法证据排除适用对象的范围13 4.1.2明确非法手段的解释13 4.1.3明确非法证据的证明标准和责任13 4.2非法证据排除规则程序化规定的合理化建议14 4.2.1加强庭前审查制度中法官对于证据的审查职能14 4.2.2完善非法证据排除的救济程序14 结论16 参考文献17 致谢19 摘 要 自古以来,法律作为统治阶级一种政治手段被不断的创设和发展,然 而,随着历史的演变,国家的发展理念、社会的普世价值、民众的精神需 求内涵也在变化。直至今日,法律为了保障人权,惩罚犯罪,更是形成了 庞大的体系,当民主开化程度越来越高,法学学者和立法者的思想开放, 他们逐渐注意到非法证据排除规则对于刑法与刑事诉讼法发展的必要性和 重要性。非法证据排除规则应当如何规定、如何实施等问题,都是对于司 法改革和社会发展的真实反映。随着一系列规定、司法解释的实行,对非 法证据排除规则的运用奠定了法律基础,非法证据排除规则有了法律理论 的保障,同时,理论方面对非法证据排除规则的相关规定也不是完全详尽, 并且实践中的操作与理论也存在差异。 论文的主题思路是本文在正文第一部分初步探讨了关于非法证据排 除规则的来源与发展历程,试图了解非法证据排除规则的产生的必要性与 立法目的;第二部分以研究言词证据为例来分析英美法系国家关于非法证 据排除规则的立法与规定,试图探索英美国家法律体系下的规则应用对我 国的借鉴意义;第三部分探究了我国法律环境下非法证据排除规则的运行 现状,以及在现有的条件下我国非法证据排除规则在立法与程序两个方面 的缺陷;第四部分结合我国的司法实践现状,针对非法证据排除规则存在 的问题提出对策,试图通过从实体规定和程序操作方面入手,解决现存的 弊端,使非法证据排除规则的可操作性和必要性增强,进一步完善规则在 我国的司法体系中的运用制度。 关键词证据;非法证据排除规则;刑事;人权保障 Abstract Historically, laws were legislated and practiced predominantly by the ruling class as political measures to seize power and governance over the public. With the progress of the societies and spread of universal value, the legislation of law is now intertwined with and driven by the general publics demand to serve their best interests and needs. Presently, a substantial law framework has been built to protect individual rights and to punish crimes. However, as the publics awareness of democracy and rights is ever evolving, and the law scholars and legislators are increasingly more open-minded, there has been an increasing focus towards the necessities and importance of determining the exclusionary rule for illegally obtained evidences in the handling of criminal prosecutions. The emerging of discussions and issues surrounding how to determine the correct exclusion principle and how to approach this matter are truly the reflections and testimonies toward the ongoing re of law practices and the rapid advancement of the sociological ideology. Although the legal foundations for exclusionary rule in criminal procedures were built and substantiated through several publications and judicial interpretations in this matter, the detailed rules are still lacking in certain aspects and discrepancies between the theory and the actual implementations are often observed in real-life criminal cases. This thesis aims to study and to analyse the emerging issues with exclusionary rules in China and subsequently to develop tangible strategies to address the missing aspects in the rules and to improve the uses of such remedies. This paper consists of 4 sections. Section 1 investigates the origin and history of exclusionary rule, thus establishes the necessity and objective of exclusionary rule in crimina


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