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第7讲简单句基本句型 学生姓名 年级 初二 授课教师 王老师 备课时间 教学 目标 简单句基本句型 重、难 考 点 教学内容 简单句基本句型 1基本句型主谓结构 说明本结构是由主语加不及物的谓语动词构成,常用来表示主语的动作。如,The sun r i ses. 主语可有修饰语定语,如,The red sun r i ses. 谓语可有修饰语状语,如,The red sun r i ses i n the east 2基本句型主系表结构 说明本结构是由主语系动词表语组成,主要用以说明主语的特征,类属,状态, 身份等。 系动词有 (1)表示特征和存在状态的be, seem, fee I, appear, I ook, sme I I, taste, sound. (2)表示状态延续的 rema i n, stay, keep, cont i nue, stand. (3)表示状态变化的 become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow. 3基本句型主谓宾结构(一) 说明此结构是由主语谓语宾语够成。其中的谓语动词须是及物的动词或及物的 动词词组。 宾语须是名词或相当于名词的成分。 主谓宾结构(二) 说明主语动词短语宾语 Eg. point out (指出)find out (找出),give up (放弁),give away (赠送, 分发),look after (照顾),Iook at (瞧),think of (考虑,评价),send for (派人去请),dea I wi th (对付,应付),ob ject to (反对) 4基本句型 双宾语结构 说明主语及物谓语动词间接宾语(人)直接宾语(事物) 如 He br i ngs me cook i es every day. She made me a beaut i fuI dress. 但若要先说出直接宾语(事物),后说间接宾语(人),则要借助于介词to或for. 5基本句型 复合宾语结构 说明主语及物的谓语动词宾语宾补足 宾语与宾语补足语有逻辑的主谓关系,若无宾语补足语,则句意不完整。可以用做 宾补的有,名词,形容词,副词,介词短语,动词不定式,分词。如, The sun keeps us warm. I heard h im s i ngi ng. You must get your ha i r cut. 用it做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面,是英语常用句型。 即主语谓语 i t 宾补真正宾语。如, I found it very pIeasant to be with your fami ly. 例题狂学 一.翻译 1 .你应当努力学习。 2. 她昨天回家很晚。 3. 那天早上我们谈了很多。 4. 会议将持续两个小时。 5. 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 6. 我的兄弟都是大学生。 7. 冬季白天短,夜晚长。 8. 布朗夫人看起来很健康。 9. 十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。 1. You shouId study hard. 2. She went home very I ate yesterday even i ng. 3. That morn i ng we taIked a great deaI. 4. The meet i ng wi I I I ast two hours. 5. Great changes have taken pI ace i n my home town i n the past ten years. 6. My brothers are a I I col lege students. 7. In wi nter, the days are short and the n i ghts are Iong. 8. Mrs Brown Iooks very heaI thy. 9. At the age of f i fteen he became a famous p i an i st. 练习狂练 二.完型填空 Electric bicycles run on battery-operated用 电池发动的motors. More and more people like this type of bikes 1 their speed and quality. They were 2 made in 1980s in China, but the selling was not very good. Today, thanks to多亏 了 improvement改进on the quality of the batteries, the electric bikes sell 3. There are more than 100 electric bicycle producers in China and 4 of such bicycles have been produced. Japan is 5 large producer of such bicycles in the world. Now China is one of the 6 producers of electric bicycles in the world, and lots of people have 7 this kind of bicycles. Such bikes are quick, safe and 8 to operate, 9 their .batteries still have shortcomings缺点.They weigh more than 10 kilograms. Their service life is less than two years and they 10500 yuan each. 1. A. because B. because of C. for D. as 2. A. at first B. first C. the first D. at firstly 3. A. good B. bad C. well D. badly 4. A. hundreds and thousand B. hundred and thousands C. hundred and thousand D. hundreds and thousands 5. A. another B. other C. others D. the other 6. A. largest B. smallest C. bigger D. fewe


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