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目录 摘要III AbstractIV 引言1 1概述3 1.1什么是不动产预告登记制度3 1.2不动产预告登记制度的性质3 1.2.1具有从属性3 1.2.2具有临时性4 1.2.3兼具物权和债权的性质4 2我国预告登记制度存在的缺陷6 2.1强制执行程序中存在的问题6 2.1.1是否能够对抗金钱债权的执行6 2.1.2是否能够对抗以不动产为标的的非金钱债权的执行7 2.2破产程序中存在的缺陷7 2.3过分注重保护权利人的权利8 2.3.1预告登记的冻结主义阻碍不动产的交易8 2.3.2没有规定预告登记义务人的抗辩权9 2.4申请条件太过严格和申请范围过窄10 2.5未规定顺位保全效力和登记错误的赔偿机制11 3完善不动产预告登记制度的方法13 3.1明确当事人可以提出执行异议之诉13 3.2明确破产程序中权利人的救济途径14 3.3对义务人的合法权利予以保护15 3.3.1对再处分行为作相对无效规定15 3.3.2引入不动产预告登记义务人的抗辩权16 3.4放宽申请条件和适用范围16 3.5纳入顺位保全效力并健全登记错误的赔偿机制19 结论20 参考文献21 致 谢23 最早把不动产预告登记制度列入法律的是普鲁士,普鲁士法律主要规 定了两类可以通过预告登记制度保护权利的类型,一个是在登记薄登记错 误的情况下保护已经成立的不动产物权,另一个是保护在没有成立物权之 前的债权请求权。最开始除了普鲁士法律外,其他国家都没有关于不动产 预告登记制度的规定,但是随着国家的崛起和经济的繁荣,越来越多的国 家认识到了规定不动产预告登记制度的重要性,之后德国、日本以及我国 都陆续规定了不动产预告登记制度。我国物权法第二十条对不动产预 告登记制度做出的规定弥补了我国法律在处理这方面问题的空白,但在具 体运用的过程中却发现存在很多缺陷如当进行了预告登记的不动产遇到 了强制执行程序,该如何平衡不动产预告登记权利人和强制执行程序中债 权人的利益、进行了不动产预告登记的权利人该如何维护自己的债权和物 权;又如我国物权法对已经进行了预告登记的不动产规定的非经预告 登记权利人同意的处分行为绝对无效的冻结主义是否真的能够保护预告登 记权利人的权益、是否阻碍不动产的交易等。本文通过全面分析我国不动 产预告登记制度存在的缺陷和不足,并针对这些缺陷和不足提出相应的改 善措施和策略。 关键词不动产;预告登记;缺陷;完善;权利 Abstract The Prussian law, which was the first to include an advance registration sys tem for immovable property, mainly provides for two types of rights that can be protected by an advance registration system, one to protect established real prop erty rights in the event of an error in the registration of the register and the other to protect claims that were made before the creation of the real property right. In itially, there was no provision for an advance registration system for immovable property in any other country except Prussian law. However, the rise of countries and economic prosperity have led to the recognition of the importance of provid ing for an advance registration system for immovable property in a growing num ber of countries, including Germany, Japan and my country. Article 20 of the La w of the Peopleapos;s Republic of China on Real Property Rights provides for the registration system for the advance notice of immovable property to fill the g aps in the treatment of this issue in our laws, but in the process of concrete appli cation, many shortcomings have been found for example, how to balance the int erests of the right holder of the advance notice of immovable property and the cr editor in the enforcement proceedings when the immovable property registered i n advance is subject to enforcement proceedings, and how the right holder of the advance notice of immovable property should safeguard his or her claims and p roperty rights; also, whether freezeism, which is absolutely ineffective in disposi ng of the immovable property registered in advance without the consent of the ri ght holder of the advance notice, can really protect the interests of the right hold er of the advance notice and prevent transactions in the immovable property, etc. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the shortcomings and deficien cies of Chinaapos;s real estate advanc


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