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酒店英语 Unit two Concierge service 礼宾月艮务 2.corridor 走廊 4.brochure 小册子 6.name tag 名签 8..prepayment 预付 10.right away 马上 12.laundry bags 洗衣袋 I. bellboy行李员 3. channel 频道 5. doorman 门童 7.case案件,箱子 9.master switch 总开关 II. in a minute 过一会J L 13. take off起飞,脱下, 14. reconfirmation 再次确认 15. This way ,please 这边,请 16. at the end of the corridor 在走廊 的尽头 17.it5s nice to see you again , Mr.Smith 很高兴再次见到您,史 密斯先生 18. very glad to have you here,很高兴您能来我们这儿。 19. shall I call a taxi for you,sir要我为您叫出租车吗,先生。 20. Are you going up or down你要上升还是下降 21. After you, sir 先生,您先请 22. Please watch your step,sir.请注意脚下,先生。 23. You car is already waiting for you at the main entrance 您的 车已经在主要入口处等候您了 Unit three check in 登记入住 1. register 登记 2. registration 入住登i己表 3. key card钥匙卡 4. reservation record 预定i己录 5. schedule 时间表 6. arrangement 安排; 7. breakfast voucher 早餐券 8. envelope 信封 9. cutive floo 行政楼层 r 10. no show预订了但没来的客人 11. wait-in guest没有预订的客人 12.In whose name was the reservation made以谁的名 字预订 的 13. Yes,we have the reservation under your name是的,我们有 您名下的预订记录。 14. How will you be paying您要怎么付款 15. by credit/in cash/by a travelers check 用信用卡/用现金/用 旅行支票支付 16. Hope you511 enjoy your stay with us.祝您住得开心 17. would you please sign your name here请您在这儿签个字 好吗 18.if you want to make room-to-room calls,please dial 9 first and then the room number .如果您想打饭店内部电话,请先 拨9.然后拨房间号码。 19. check in 的 入住 过程 greeting-asking ID-name-nights-room types-rate-how many people-breakfast- non-smoking floor-registration-how to pay-ID card-greeting 20. check out 的 离 店 过 程 greeting-check name/room number-how would you stay with us-print folio-ask guest how to pay -folio sign-put folio in the envolope-greeting-have you clean your safety box Unit four reception desk 前台月艮务 1. take/leave a message 留 言 2. at the moment 此刻,现在 3. extend扩展,延长 4. tour group 旅游团 5. cancellation 取消 6. in front of 在前面 7. inconvenience 不便 8. exchange rate 兑换率 9. lost and found失物招领处 10. setting餐具,餐位 11.if you dont mind transferring to another room,we may manage it for you.如果您愿意搬到另一个房间住,我们可以 为您安排一下。 12.1m very sorry for the inconvenience 给您带来不便,非常抱 歉。 13. how much longer would you like to stay您想留多久 14.1 will send a bellboy over to help you with your luggage. 我会派一个行李员去帮您拿行李 Unit five housekeeping 客房月艮务 1. housemaid客房服务员 2. reception desk 前台 3. suitcase 行李箱 4. turn-down service 做晚床 5. draw拉,画画,稻草,吸管,抽奖 6. curtain 窗帘 7. turn on打开(灯,电器等) 8. safe-deposit box 保险箱 9. item物件,商品 10. maintenance 维修部 11. sendup 派来 12. express service 快洗服务 13. charge收费,管理,充电 14. permission 允许,准许 15. folding bed 折叠床 16. briefcase 公文包 17.in 通知I 18. bed spread 床罩 19. the day shift 白班 20. valet 熨烫 21. pillowcase 枕头套 22. staff 员工 23. tissue 厕纸 24. coordinate with 与协调 25. When would you like me to make up your room, sir 先生, 您想要我什么时候为您做晚床服务呢 26. Would you like me to clean up your room right now, sir 先 生,您愿意我现在为您打扫房间吗 27.Shall I draw the curtains for you, sir/


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