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1. 他们应该邀请好朋友们参加他们的聚会。 They should invite their teachers to their class party. 2. 飞机票通常很贵,但乘火车就比较便宜。 Plane tickets are usually expensive, but it s cheaper to go by train. 3. 天很快就要变得更冷了。 Soon it will be colder. 4. 他们打算本月底去北京旅游。 They are going to travel to Beijing at the end of this month. 5. 你们如果有任何问题,请举手。 If you have any questions, please raise your hands. 6. 西安也有许多古老的宫殿。 There are also ancient palaces in Xi an. 7. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家。 China is a country with a long history. 8. 春节我们有七天的假期。 For the Spring Festival we have a seven-day holiday. 9. 位于北京中心的故宫是一个非常好玩的地方。 The Palace Museum in the centre of Beijing is a wonderful place. 10. SPCA是指爱护动物协会。 The SPCA means the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 11. 如果你渴了就先喝点水。 Drink some water first if you are thirsty. 12. 我比较喜欢英语,但我妹妹更喜欢数学。 I like English better, but my sister prefers Maths. 13. 作为父母,我们应该照顾你至成年。 As your parents, we should take care of you before you grow up. 14. “地球之友”成员们必须保护好环境。 Friends of the Earth must look after the environment. 15. 不友善的人把他们养的宠物遗弃在大街上。 Unkind people leave their pets in the streets. 16. 狗能在许多方面帮助盲人。 Dogs can help the blind in many ways. 17. 我们学校的保安常常帮助年幼的学生安全过马路。 Our school guards often help the young students cross the road safely. 18. 警方正在森林里寻找失踪的孩子。 The police are looking for the missing child in the forest. 19. Peter和他的朋友们想领养这些小狗作为宠物。 Peter and his friends want to keep the puppies as their pets. 20. 如今,有许多外国人在我们城市里生活和工作。 Nowadays many foreigners live and work in our city. 21. 这辆公交车很挤,里面装满了人。 The bus is crowded, full of people. 22. 请给我再举一个例子。 Please give me another example. 23. 我在杂志上看过一些外国的情况。 I ve read about some foreign countries in magazines. 24. Kitty想从信中了解关于她的新笔友的情况。 Kitty wants to know about her new penfriend from the letter. 25. 你的国籍是什么 What nationality are you 26. 我们应该学好英语,因为它是一门国际语言。 We should learn English well, because it s an international language. 27. 你能自己独立完成作业吗 Can you finish the homework yourself 28. Bill的父亲在一家建筑公司当建筑师。 Bill s father works as an architect for a construction company. 29. 搬家公司的人把我们的家具搬进了新公寓。 The removal men moved our furniture into the new flat. 30. 我们必须立刻把那孩子从河里救出来。 We must rescue that child in the river at once. 31. 我们的邮递员每天早晨八点送来报纸。 Our postman delivers newspapes at eight every morning. 32. Jack长大了想成为一名经理。 Jack wants to be a manager when he grows up. 33. 英语课上你记笔记吗 Do ou take notes in the English class 34. 昨天那条路上发生了一场事故,幸运的是,没有人 在事故中受伤。 Yesterday an accident happended on that road. 35. 这辆摩托车在事故中撞倒了一棵树。 The motorcycle knocked down a tree in the accident. 36. 许多房屋在这场森林火灾中着火并被烧毁。 Many houses caught fire and burned down in the forest fire. 37. 我和我邻居都是建筑师。 Both my neighbour and I are architects. 38. 那个男孩很害怕,飞快地逃跑了。 The boy was afraid and ran away quickly. 39. 母亲把她的婴儿抱在怀里。 Mother carried her baby in her arms. 40. 一名警察朝他走去,把他扶了起来。 A policeman came towards him and helped him up. 41. 我们正在售楼处挑选一处新的公寓。 We re choosing a new flat at the estate agenc


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