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某学校供配电设计 摘要 本次设计题目为某市实验中学供配电系统设计,该系统通过降压变压器 与10kv公共电源干线相连,然后向学校供给电能。该校对供电可靠性要求也较 高。因此,必须采用可靠性较高的接线形式。 本次设计主要内容包括负荷计算、短路电流计算、电气主接线的设计、 电气设备的选择与校验(包括主变压器的选择、断路器及隔离开关的选择与校验、 导体的选择与校验、电流互感器的选择与校验、电压互感器的选择和避雷器的选 择等)和变配电所的布置与结构设计。其中,主接线代表了变配电所主体结构,它 对各种电气设备的选择、配电装置的布置、继电保护、自动装置和控制方式的拟 定都有决定性的关系,并将长期影响电力系统运行的可靠性、安全性、灵活性和 经济性。 在设计的过程中,本人参阅了大量的供配电系统设计、变配电所设计、建 筑电气设计规范等相关的规范和设计手册,最后对该校供配电系统进行了初步设 计。本设计为毕业设计,其目的是通过设计实践,综合运用所学知识,理论联系实 际,锻炼独立分析和解决电气设计问题的能力,为未来的工作奠定坚实的基础。 关键词变压器 电气主接线 电气设备 继电保护 Abstract a experimental high school of A city, this system is connected with the public line of lOkV through step-down transers, and distribute electrical power to experimental high school of A city. The experimental high school of A city electrical charge is big , and the school, demand of reliability of power supply is high, using the high reliable wiring . This design main content includes the charge computation, short-circuit current computation, electrical main wiring design, electrical equipment choice and verification including main voltage transer choice, circuit breaker and disconnecting switch with check-up, conductor choice with check-up, current transer choice with check-up, voltage transer choice with check-up and lightning protector choice and so on,the disposal and configuration of the transer substation design. Between them, the electrical main wiring has represented the main bodies structure of the substation, it has the decisive relations about the electrical equipment choice, the power distribution equipment arrangement, the relay protection, the decision of automatic device and the control mode , and it has long-term influence about the reliability, security, flexibility and efficiency of the electrical power system movement. In order to finish the design, I referring to the power supply and standard, the electrical design standard of architecture and so on, carry on the preliminary design to this power system. This design is a graduation design . The purpose of this design is to give us a chance of synthetical usage of the knowledge we have learned. Besides, it can train our ability to analyze and solve practical problems in Construct electricity in dependently so that the theory is connected with practice and a solid base is made in favor of future work. Key words transer, electrical main wiring, electrical equipment, relay protection 目录 摘要 Abstract 第1章绪论1 1.1供配电设计的意义和要求1 1.2供配电设计必须遵循的一般原则1 1. 3设计步骤2 1. 4本次设计的主要工作4 第2章系统计算负荷及无功功率补偿5 2. 1负荷计算5 2. 1. 1负荷计算的内容和目的5 2. 1.2计负荷的确定 5 2. 1.4负荷计算的结果6 2. 2无功功率补偿及其计算9 2. 2.1无功补偿的目的9 2. 2. 2无功功率的人工补偿装置 9 2. 2. 3并联电容器的选择计算方法10 2. 2.4无功功率补偿的计算 10 第3章变配电所位置和主变压器及主接线方案的选择12 3. 1变配电所位置的选择12 3. 1. 1变配电所型式的概述12 3. 1. 2变配电所位置选择的一般原则12 3.2负荷中心的确定13 3.3变电所主变压器的选择13 3. 3. 1变电所主变压器选型的原则13 3. 3.2变电所主变压器台数的选择14 3. 3.3变电所主变压器容量的选择14 3. 4变配电所主接线方案的选择15 3. 4. 1变配电所主接线设计要求15 3. 4.2变配电所主接线方案的拟定16 第4章 短路电流计算20 4.1计算短路电流的目的20 2短路计算的方法 20 4. 3.1标么值的概念 2


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