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52天奇速记完高考3500词汇第31天 1. pupil student study studio studious homework 记忆1. pupil [ 5pjupl, 5pjupil ] n.学生,小学生,瞳孑L The pupil beside me has a pair of brightp叩ils.我旁边的一个小学生有一副明亮的瞳孔。 2. student [ 5stjudEnt ] stud-ent n.(大中学校的)学生 To study is a student s major job.学 习是学生的主要任务。 3. study [ 5stQdi ] n.学习,研究书房 vt.学习,攻读,研究 The professor often studies American literature in his small but tidy study.教授经常在他小而整洁的书房里研究美国文 学。 4. studio [ 5stjudiEu ] n.画室,照相室,工作室 The painter allowed us to visit his studio.那个 画家允许我们去看他的画室。 5. studious [ 5stjudjEs ] adj.勤学的 Gaohui is the most studious girl in our class.高慧是我们 班上最勤奋的女孩。 6. homework [ 5hEumwEk ] n.家庭作业 All the students cheered the moment the teacher announced that there was no homework that day.老师一宣布当天没有作业,学生们都欢呼起 来。 2. radio radium radiate radiation radio-active wireless 记忆1. radio [ 5reidiEu ] n,无线电通信,收音机 To listen to the English programs on the radio is very helpful in improving our English.听电台的英语节目对提高我们的英语水平很有 帮助。 2. radium [ 5reidjEm ] 音镭,具有放射性, n.镭 It,s Madam Curie who discovered radium.是居里夫人发现的镭。 3. radiate [ 5reidieit ] vt. 放身寸,辐身寸 Heat radiated from the stove warmed the whole room 从 炉子里车身出来的热温暖了整个房间。 4. radiation [ 7reidi5eiFEn ] n, 放射,辐射 The nuclear radiation caused severe pollution. 核 辐射引起了严重的污染。 5. radio-acitve adj.放射性的 The soil there proved to be radio-active.那儿的土壤被证明有 放射性。 6. ray [ rei ] n, 光线,射线 The morning ray came through the window, making the room full of warmth.晨光从窗口进来,使房间里充满了温暖。 7. wireless [ 5waiElis ] adj.无线电的,无线的 Our company is devoted to wireless communication我们的公司致力于无线电通讯。 3. rather quite pretty too fairly nice and 记忆1. rather [ 5rBTE ] adv.有点,相当(常接cold, sad等表示不好的形容词)It s rather strange that he shouldn, t have come back at this time.真是奇怪他这个时候还没有回来 2. quite [ kwait ] adv.相当,完全,十分,彻底 You are quite wrong there.这一点上你完全 错了。 3. pretty [ 5priti ] adv.相当地 adj,漂亮的,可爱的,I feel pretty well today.我今天感觉很 好。 4. too [ tu ] adj.太 r m too glad to help you.我非常乐意帮助你。 5. fairly adv.相当地(常接 nice, fine 等表示好的形容词)The pop singers are often fairly good-looking.流行歌手经常长相不错。 6. nice and (后接形容词或副词,表示满意或赞赏)很,挺..得很It s nice and fine day today,今天是个很好的日子。 4. reason reasonable sense sensible nonsense cause 记忆1. reason [ 5rizn ] n.理由,原因 vt.说服,推论,辩论 The reason why he compromised was that he had something in their hands.他妥协的原因是他有东西在他们的手上。 2. reasonable [ 5riznEbl ] adj.合理的,有道理的,通情达理的 We decided it s reasonable to cancel the party at such a busy time.我们认为在这样繁忙的时间里取消这次聚会是合情合理 的。 3. sense [ sens ] n.官能,感觉,判断力,见识,...感,意义,理性 Do you believe in the sixth sense你相信第六感吗 4. sensible [ 5sensEbl ] adj,有感觉的,明智的,有判断力的 I am sensible that a good deal more is still to be done.我认识到还有许多事情要做 5. nonsense [ 5nCnsEns ] n.胡说,废话 Its all nonsense. 一派胡言 6. cause [ kCz ] n.原因(常指客观方面的原因)The doctors report gave no cause for panic.医 生的报告没有让大家惊慌。 (喜欢奇速英语的同学老师们,可以到奇速英语官方旗舰店选购书籍,网址 http//) 5. recognize know admit admission permit permission commit commitment register enroll 记忆1. recog


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