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Meaningful Letter A In Different Phases Content Abstract1. 摘要1 Introduction2 Chapter One Adultery3 1.1 The origin of scarlet letter A4 1.2 Analysis of Puritanism4 1.3 Different views about letter A4 Chapter Two Alone and Alienate5 1.1 Causes the aspects of loneliness in The Scarlet Letter6 1.2 From adultery to alone and alienate6 1.3 The loneliness of three other characters7 Chapter Three Able8 1.1. From alone to able9. 1.2 A brief sum of this phase10 Chapter FourAdmirationand Angel11 1.1 Analysis of Hester s symbol12 1.2. The final meaningofletter A12 Conclusion13 Bibliography14 Abstract The Scarlet Letter makes the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world. In this literary work, red cloth A has profound and varied meaning with the development of the plot of fiction.At the beginning ,Hester Prynne ,the protagonist of this text , commits adultery and is forced to wear a scarlet letter A on her breast .Obviously ,here A is considered as a symbol of sin of adultery,which is untolerable in a puritan s opinion.Beacause what they advocate and glorify is nothing but asceticism stressed work thrift、piety and sobriety; After Hester getting out of prison, its primary meaning is substituted by alone and alienate;.Gradually its malicious meaning becomes more and more important,even changes to a beautiful mark embodying able in linght of Hester Prynne making a living and raising her daughter dependently by sewing and needling,moreover doing her utmost to being accepted by others using her own hands. In this phase ,letter A stands for able ;.In the end of the story,Hester Prynne gives somebody a hand at the same time she constantly makes up for her past mistake ,letter A is explained as a kind of entire new understand by almost all the townpeople that is,admiration . angel. 摘要 红字使得美国作家纳撒尼尔霍桑,一举成名。在这部文学作品中A深刻的象征意 义随着作品的发展而不断发生变化.故事刚开始时,故事的主人公海斯特白兰因犯有通奸 罪被迫在胸上带上红字A.很明显在这里A是通奸罪的象征,这对于清教徒来说是不可容 忍的,因为他们所宣扬和美化的是禁欲主义、劳苦工作、节俭、虔诚以及冷静持重。海 斯特出狱后,红字的最初含义被孤独和疏远所取代.后来白兰靠做针线活儿维持生计全心 抚养珠儿用自己的双手劳动得来了世人的认可,在这个阶段A渐渐代表能干,而它的不 良含义也渐渐变淡。由于白兰在为自己过去的过错赎罪的同时还帮助了别人,在故事的最 后,红字A被几乎所有的村民赋予一种全新的含义,即敬佩、和天使。 Keywords Scarlet Letter A,adultery,alone,alienate ,able,angel,background, phase , symbol Introduction Scarlet Letter is regarded not only as Haw-thorne s greatest accomplishment,but frequently as the greatest novel in American literary history.The ScarletLetter was written and published in the middle of the nineteenth century It arose wide concerns and attracted thousands of millions readers.almost immediately after its publication in 1850, and it has stayed in print and in favor ever since. With the publication of The Scarlet Letter in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne became one of the greatest writer at that time and built his reputation as a major American author. Since that time on, people began to take great interest in all aspects of his life and a great many biographical and critical studies had been writt


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