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驻英国大使刘晓明在上海世博会图片英国巡回展利物浦站酒会上的讲话 2010年9月21日,利物浦市圣乔治礼堂 Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at EXPO NOW in Liverpool 21 September 2010, St. George9s Hall, Liverpool 尊敬的利物浦市市长威廉姆斯女士, 尊敬的利物浦市议长安德森先生, 倪坚总领事, 女士们,先生们, Councillor Hazel Williams, the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Joe Anderson, Leader of the Liverpool Council, Consul-General Ni Jian, Ladies and Gentlemen, 感谢大家光临上海世博会图片英国巡回展利物浦站。 Thank you for joining us at the EXPO NOW Photo Exhibition here in Liverpool. 这是四个多月来我第四次就上海世博会发表讲话,第三次出席世博会图片英国巡回展活动。今天与以往既不同,又 相同。不同的是以下三点 This is the fourth time I have spoken about the Shanghai World Expo and the third such event I have attended since the end of April when the Expo was officially opened. During this time, my feelings and views about the Expo have intensified in a number of ways 首先,世博会对我已不再是一种抽象的认识。俗话说,“耳听为虚,眼见为实”。我在夏天回国述职休假的时候亲眼 目睹了上海世博会的盛况,直接体验了“中国馆”的雄伟秋漢国馆”的创意。而且,今天的来宾中,有许多同我一样 已身临其境。 First, I was lucky enough to have visited the Expo during my recent home leave in China. After the visit I must say that the Expo is much more than what one reads in newspapers or watches on the TV. I was most struck by the magnificence of the China Pavilion and the creativity of the UK Pavilion alike. Chinese internet users have given the UK pavilion a Chinese name Pu-gong-ying - the dandelion, which I believe many of you have visited. 第二,英国与上海世博会的关系又加深了一层。就在本月8日,英国国家馆日上演了华彩篇章。约克公爵作为英国 首席嘉宾出席了英国国家馆日仪式,英国国家芭蕾舞团和上海芭蕾舞团合作的爱有多重在世博园举行了全球首 演,130名来自中英两国艺术院校的学生则共同出演了芭蕾舞剧天鹅之旅。通过精彩纷呈的英国馆日活动,中国 民众更加感受到了英国对世博会的热情参与,英国也更好地向中国民众展现了自己的特色和优势。 The spectacular UK National Pavilion Day on the 8th of September, which was attended by His Royal Highness the Duke of York and other British dignitaries, brought Britain and the Expo even closer together. The event featured the world premiere of The Weight of Love, a ballet pered by dancers from both the English National Ballet and the Shanghai Ballet, and Swanning Around, a dance perance by 130 Chinese and British art students. These events have impressed upon the Chinese audience Britains enthusiasm for the World Expo and many of its unique qualities and strengths. 第三,利物浦与上海世博会有着不解之缘。利物浦是英国第二大港口城市,与中国的海上贸易有一百多年历史。利 物浦是华人最早移民欧洲的落脚点,建有欧洲最早的中国城和华人社团。利物浦的两大品牌甲壳虫乐队和英超 “红军”利物浦队,中国民众耳熟能详。利物浦与上海缔结友城己有11年,两市一直保持着密切的经济、贸易和文 化交往。利物浦又是英国唯一单独建馆参加本届世博会的城市,坐落于世博会最佳城市实践区的利物浦馆充分表现 了利物浦丰富的历史遗迹和宏大的城市复兴。今天来到利物浦,出席上海世博会图片英国巡回展,令我倍感亲切。 我也知道,10月16日是上海世博会“利物浦馆日”,届时威廉姆斯市长和安德森议长将率领利物浦市代表团莅临现 场,我预祝“利物浦馆日”活动取得圆满成功,预祝代表团访问上海之行顺利愉快 Liverpool enjoys a unique bond with the Shanghai World Expo. As the second largest port city of Britain, Liverpool started trade with Shanghai as early as more than a century ago. It received the first Chinese settlers to Europe and has the oldest Chinatown and Chinese community in Europe. The Beatles and the Liverpool Football Club, two symbols of Liverpool, are household names in China. Since Liverpool and Shanghai became sister cities 11 years ago, the economic, trade and cultural t


本文([精品]驻英国大使刘晓明在上海世博会图片英国巡回展利物浦站酒会上的讲话)为本站会员(aaakkpc)主动上传,蚂蚁文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知蚂蚁文库(发送邮件至2303240369@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


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