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NES初中英语B III第十二模块复习 一、Words and expressions iI ]、I chatv. 耳卯天 chatted chattedchatting I talk [tOk] v. 谈话 ii ii chat with sb 和某人聊天 1 He chatted with a friend over tea last night . 昨晚他和朋友边喝茶边聊天。 chat about 聊关于 2 They are chatting about their work and lives. 他们在聊工作和生活。 chat n.聊天 have a chat with sb.和某人聊天 3 The boy often has a chat with friends on the Internet. 这个孩子常在网上和朋友聊天。 talk v.谈话 talk是不及物动词,可以构成talk with / to sb ,和某人说话 talk about 谈论 talk of sb sb谈起某人某事 4 They are talking about a new movie .他们正在谈论一部新电影。 5 They often talk of you . They speak highly of you. 他们常谈起你,对你评价高。 talk with / to sb对某人谈话,和某人谈话 6 The headteacher is talking with my father .校长正在和我爸谈话。 7 My English teacher talked to me about my mistakes in spelling. 英语教师和我谈了我拼写的错误。 1 say [se修] v. 说话,说出 says [sez] said 一said [sed] v. ; tell[tel]v.告诉told 一 told [t念uld]; 2、|i 」、 speak[spi k] v.讲话spoke [sp念uk] spoken[目sp念uk念n]; talk [tO Ik] v. 谈话,谈论; ;I say v.是及物动词 1 She asked me to say hello to you.她要我向你问好。 2 Please say it in English.请用英语说出它。 3 He said, I am busy . I am busy , said he. He said he was busy. 他说他很忙。 tell 告诉 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人干某事 4 The teacher often tells us not to be late for school . 老师常告诉我们不要上学迟到。 5 Mother tells her child to get up early.妈妈告诉孩子要早起床。 tell sb a story tell a story to sb 给某人讲故事。 6 Mother often tells me a story before I go to bed. 睡前妈妈常给我讲故事。 speak 一般是不及物动词,常用的是speak to sb 对某人讲话 7 The headteacher is speaking to the students.校长正在对学生讲话。 但是speak后面加上语言时,则是及物动词,如 8 I can speak a little English .我会讲一点点英语。 用 chat , talk , say , speak, tell 的适当形式填空。 1 The boy is on the Internet in the chat room. 2 Grandmother is going to us a story this evening. 3 I can a little Russian. 4 Can you it in Chinese 5 She told us to stop . 6 Young people like to about their study and work. 7 Our headteacher often to the students at the school meetings. 8 He often that he should study harder. 9 Mother often me to go to bed and get up early. 10 The old men like to have a long . i receive v] v. 接受; accept[念k剧sept]v. 收到,接到; Ii receive意思是“接到”“收到” “得到”别人直接给的,或是寄来的东西,是否乐意接 受,并不表明,如 1 I have received your letter . I have got your letter. Your letter has reached me・我已经收到你的信。 2 Children in China can usually recevive hongbao from their parents at Spring Festival.中国小孩通常在春节收到父母的红包。 accept v. 接受 3 She received a present, but she would not like to accept it. 她收到了礼物,但不想接受。 1 用receive, accept的适当形式填空。 I often a present from my parents on my birthday. 2 When you __ a present , you must use both hands in China. 3 The football club will me as a member . 成员 4 I have your emai 1. 1 luck [lk]n. 运气 4、 lucky [目 lki] adj. 好运气的 luckilv 「岛 lk 修 li] 1 adv.好运地| luck n. 运气 1 I wish you good luck .祝你好运。 lucky adj. 好运气的 2 I am lucky that I can meet you here.在这里碰到你真是好运气。 luckily adv. 幸运地 3 1 Lucki


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