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1. 上网 我认为政府应该对互联网实施新闻审查,因为网上有不少暴力材料,对青少年的身心发 展带来负面的影响 I think the government should impose news censorship on the internet, because there are much violence and pornography on the internet which rts negative effects on teenagers physical and mental health. 由于青少年不够成熟,好奇心强,很难辩明是非,容易受到电脑游戏中色情和暴力内容 的误导,最后误入岐途 As teenagers are so immature and curious, that they can hardly distinguish right from wrong, they are likely to be misled by violent and pornographic content in PC games easily and eventually go astray 小孩子有机会通过互联网接触到淫秽物品,甚至在媒体的负面影响下误入岐途 Children may have access to contact obscene material via the internet and even go astray under negative influence of mass 小孩子缺乏恰当的自控和自律能力,他们很容易沉迷于网上冲浪 Children are short of adequate self-control and self-discipline, they are likety to indulge in net-surfing 政府应该管制互联网上的信息,删除网上淫秽和有害的内容,如儿童色情 Government should regulate ination on the internet. Obscene and harmful material on the net, such as child pornography should be obliterated 互联网对人们生活方式和价值体系有着深远的影响 The Internet has a profound influence on peoples life-style and value system. 信息高速路有可能成为电子红灯区 The ination superhighway is in danger of becoming the electronic red light district” 2. TV 电视对价值观的形成和行为的成型有着非常大的影响 TV has a very powerful influence in developing value system and shaping behavior. 青少年非常盲从,经常模仿他们的偶像,而有些偶像却是负面榜样 Teenagers are very sequacious and they often imitates their idols behavior who are some negative role models 有些电视节目伤风败俗,应该被禁止 Some TV programs are moralty polluting and therefore should be banned 沉迷于暴力游戏和电视节目会导致暴力行为 Indulgence in violent games and TV programs will lead to violent act 鼓吹暴力和谋杀的节目教给人们杀人,强奸,绑架和偷窃的技巧 The programes that promote violence and murder teach people the technique of killing, raping, kidnapping and steal 电视暴力可能引发攻击性行为 Violence on TV can create aggressive behavior 电视会导致道德水准的下降 TV would lead to the moral decline 3, 毒品 毒品的诱惑力太大的,不少人抵挡不住它的诱惑力而沉迷于其中 Drugs are so alluring that many people cannot resist the temptation and many are addicted to drugs. 4, 色情 对色情的审查对社会有积极的作用,因为色情导致犯罪,对社会没有好处,并且对 色情进行审查不违反宪法 Censor-ship of pornography has a positive effect on our society. Because pornography leads to crime, pornography has no positive impacts on society and censoring pornography is not against the constitution. 在大众媒体中有不少误导人的,夸大的和虚假的暴力色情内容。青少年不成熟,无知和 盲从,他们很难辨明是非,很容易误入岐途。 There is excessive violence and pornography contents in mass media that is misguiding, exaggerative and false teenagers are so immature, ignorant and sequacious that they are hardly distinguish right from wrong and easily go astray. 5, 道德 对不良材料进行监管的目的是避免适合成人看的材料落入小孩手中 Purpose of indecency material regulation is to keep adult material from falling into childrens hand 山于缺乏恰当的道德指引和有效的沟通,不少青少年走向犯罪的道路 As lacking proper moral guidance and efficient communication, many teenagers tend to head fro crime 6. 旅游 (正) 旅游业有助于更好地向外国人推介自已的国家,同时向外界展未出璀璨的历史和文 化 The tourist industry is beneficial to b


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