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八上U2 Numbers语法基数词,序数词 【学习目标】 掌握基数词和序数词的用法及综合运用 【课前小测】 1. 一Where were you born, Michael 一I was bom in a small village with only three people. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of 2. 一Hi, Andy There are floors in this building. Which floor do you live on 一I live on the floor. A. thirty; twenty-second B. thirty; twenty-two C. thirtieth; twenty-two 3. Li Ming will be. His parents are going to have a party for his birthday. A. sixteen; sixteenth B. sixteen; the sixteenth C. sixteen; sixteen 4. 一Welcome to Los Angeles. Have you ever been here 一Sure. I visited this city three years ago, so this is my time here. A. first B. second C. third 5 Kobes fans watched his final match and of them are men. A. Million of; three fourths B. Three million; third four C. Millions of; three fourths 6. 一Yan Jiashuo, a girl, has won the prize of International Master Memory. 一Wow, shes great, isnt she A. ten-year-old B. ten-years-old C. ten years old 【要点梳理】 基数词与序数词 1. 基数词 表示数目多少的数词称为基数词,意思表示为“几、几个”其基本构成如下 1.1-12的英文表达没有规律可循,需要同学们逐个牢记。 2. 13-19的英文表达由“个位数后缀-teen构成。其中13thirteen , 15fifteen, 18eighteen发生拼写变化。 3. 20-99 之间的整十的数,由“2〜9后缀-ty”构成。其中 20twenty, 30thirty, 40forty, 50fifty 80eighty发生拼写变化。个位数不为零的两位数,在十位数与个位数中间加连字符 如25twenty- five, 34thirty- four。 4. 整百的数由“百位数hundred”构成;非整百的三位数,在百位数与十/个位数中间要用 and 连接。如325 three hundred and twenty - five, 503five hundred and three o 5. 整千的数由“千位数thousand”构成;非整千的四位数,由千位数直接加百、十、个位数 构成。如2,138 two thousand one hundred and thirty- eight□ 6. hundred, thousand, million, billion的前面有具体数字时不能用复数形式,但在表示不 确切的数时,要用复数形式,后面要加of。如5,000 five thousand,数以百计的hundreds Ofo 7. 英语用千、百万等单位计数,大数字从右向左看,每隔三位划一逗号,倒数第一个逗号之前 要用thousand,倒数第二个逗号之前要用million,倒数第三的逗号之前要用billion表示。 1 one 13 thirteen 20 twenty 23 twenty-three 2 two 14 fourteen 30 thirty 3 three 15 fifteen 40 forty 35 thirty-five 4 four 16 sixteen 50 fifty 101 one hundred and 5 five 17 seventeen 60 sixty one 6 six 18 eighteen 70 seventy 238 two hundred and 7 seven 19 nineteen 80 eighty thirty-eight 8 eight 90 ninety 9 nine 100 onea hundred 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 2、序数词 表示顺序先后的数词称为序数词,意思表示为“第几”其构成如下 1. 119 除了 first第second 第二和third 第三为特殊变化外,其余均由“基数词后缀-th” 构成。其中注意fifth第五,eighth 第八,ninth 第九,twelfth第十二的拼法变化。 2.20-99 20以上的序数词,先将基数词词尾y改成i,然后再加-eth。如twentieth(第二十)。非 整十的序数词,它的十位数为基数词,只将个位数变为序数词。如forty- first (第四一), fifty- second (第五十二),ninety- sixth (第九十六)。 3. 100-999,1000-9999整百/千的序数词由“百/千位数 hundred / thousand / ...后缀-th”构成, 如two hundredth (第二百); 非整百/千的数,末位数用序数词,前位数用基数词。 如one hundred and thirty - eighth( 第一百三十八),three hundred and third(第三百零三)。 基数词变序数词口诀基变序,有规律,词尾要加th .一二三,特殊记,词尾分别tdd (first second third )八去t ,九去e,ve要用f替.ty变作tie,再加th莫忘记.若遇几十几,只变个位 就可以. 序数词如下 Ist first 13th thirteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 2nd second 14fh fourteenth 30th thirtieth 22nd


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