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Unit 5 Canada“The True North” ■夯基达标每课一练(人教版必修3) 夯基达标1 I .单词拼写 1 .Canada is a (多种文化的)country like China. 答案multicultural 2. His house is (环绕)by many trees. 答案surrounded 3. He has a (天赋)for music. 答案gift 4 The(官方)languages of Canada are English and French. 答案official 5.1 want to make a(旅行)round the world. 答案tour 6. He comes from a w family. 答案wealthy 7. He put the dictionary w his reach. 答案within 8. Can you fout the problem 答案figure 9. The river is b 答案broad 10.1 saw a light in the d 答案distance II .短语翻译 1. 定居,安下心来 答案settle down 2. 计算出;算出 答案figure out 3. 有天赋 答案have a gift for 4. 数以千计的 答案thousands of 5. 在某人够得着的范围内 答案within sb,s reach 6 .而不是 答案rather than 7. 远到,直到 答案as far as 8. 加速 答案speed up 9. 在黎明时分 答案at dawn 10. 向外面看 答案look out of... in .完成句子 1. 政府花了大量资金来帮助改良这片土地。 The government spent a lot of money make this land. 提示spend time/money on sth./ in doing sth. 答案in helping /helping to,better 2. 他的建议是我们马上出发。 His suggestion is we at once. 提示that引导同位语从句;should start是虚拟语气。 答案that, should start 3. 有一封写给玛丽的信,上面贴着瑞士邮票。 There was a letter Mary a Swiss stamp it. 提示a letter for sb.给某人的信;with a Swiss stamp on it是with的复合结构。 答案for, with,on 4. 他们走错了方向,所以迷了路。 They got because they went the wrong. 提示get lost是固定词组,“迷路”之意;“向着方向”介词一定要用in ,不用to。 答案lost,in,direction 5. 他讨厌与一个陌生人分享一个浴室。 He hated to share a hotel bathroom a stranger. 提示hate后常跟动名词,“share... with ”是“与合用,分享”之意。 答案having,with 6. 自从来这儿,他经历了很多困难。 He a lot of difficulties since he came here. 提示has suffered是完成式。suffer有“经受痛苦之意。 答案has suffered 7. 他既给我食物,又给我衣服。 He gave me clothes food. 答案as well as 8. 天气太冷,池水都结冰了。 Its cold the pond has frozen. 提示so... that是“如此以至于”。 答案so, that IV .单项填空 l.She was that all the students loved and respected her. A. such a teacher good B. so a good teacher C. so good a teacher D. such good a teacher 提示so, too ,how,修饰形容词时,a/an应置于形容词后。 答案C 2. Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds ,and I have not seen this year. A.the bestB .better C.the mostD.more 提示“我从没有看过更好的”,为二者比较,用better。 答案B 3.1 feel that one of my main duties a teacher is to help the students to become better learners. A.forB.by C.asD.with 提示as“作为”之意。 答案C 4. Have you the book you have been looking for A.foundB.found out C.findD. discovered 提示find“找到”;find out查明真相”;discover发现(原来就存在之物),C项时态不对。 答案A 5. do you go home 一Once a month. A.How soonB.How often C.How longD.How far 提示how often提问频率,即“多长时间回家一次 ” 答案B 6. There are three of people waiting outside. A.dozenB. score C.dozensD. scores 提示three score of people意思是“60个人”,dozen前有具体数字时,一般不与of连用; 且score ,dozen前有具体数字时,二者本身不用复数。 答案B 7. The reason he was late washis car had broken down on the way. A.why; becauseB.that; because C.that;for D.why;that 提示why引导定语从句。The reason作主语,表语从句用that而不用because引导。 答案D 8. the room temperature, he added some coal into the stove. A.Keep upBin order keep up C.To


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