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Unit 5 Canada The True North课时作业(含解析)新人教版 必修3 I. 单词拼写 1. Her eyesight is so good tha/t she can see the mountain in the(远方). 2. Lisa and I have a(稍微)different attitude towards love. 3. We listened to the news with a(混合)of surprise and happiness. 4. There is a(海港) near our city, where you can find many big ships in and out. 5. People found the little match girl dead in the street at(黎明). 6. Seeing that scene, Jenny felt(恐惧的)and just wanted to go home・ 7. We have a reserva tion for you for to morrow nigh t. Please call to(证 实). 8. On the way home, the Smiths stopped to enjoy beautiful mountain(风 景,景色) II. 单项填空 1. (2013 郑州质量检测)一Jack hurt his leg yesterday. 一Really A. What s wrong with himB. How did it happen C. Wa,sn t he too carelessD. Who told you that 2. (2014 吉林模拟)一Have you finished the report 一Oh, sorry. It was so noisy in the office tha/t I couldn tdown to write anything. A. settleB. put C・ sitD. lie 3. (2014 山东临沂模拟)At the meeting, all the people were deeplywith her brilliant report. A. impressedB・ surprised C. excitedD. comforted 4. (2014 ・陕西宝鸡质量检测二)Evidence came upspecial speech sounds can be recognized by babies as young as 6 months old. A. whatB. which C. thatD. whose 5 . (2014 山西 高三上 学期诊 断考试)Chengdu has focused on improving the surrounding countryside, encouraging large-scale city expansion. A. due toB. rather than C・ except forD・ other than 6 .(2014 福建名校质量检查)1 hope the governmen t will take more strictagainst the smog tha/t affected several big cities last winter. A. attitudesB. measures C. schedulesD. procedures 7. 一It s difficuIt to tell this picture from tha/t one・ 一Yes. The differences bet ween the pic tu res are very. A. broadB・ narrow C・ slightD. impressive 8. (2013 衡水中学第二次月考)Their their son is apianist. A. gift; gifted C. a present; presented 9. 一You seemed to be very surprised 一Not exactly. It was his courage A. as well as; that daughter hasfor language while B. a gift; gifted D. present; presented at the news that he won. his skillreally struck me. B. other than; that C. rather than; which D. and; which 10. (2014 石家庄市高三模拟)He stood up and a smile to cover up his disappointment. A. hid B. managed C・ refused D. brought 11. The questionnaire takes ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview. A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely easy reach. 12. It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot B. upon D. around A. near C. within 13. (2014 福建部分一级达标学校联考)一When did you get home last night 一It was almost midnightwe arrived home. A. tha/tB. before 14. (2014 贵州师大附中质检)It was half a yearmy good friend returned to his hometown. A. beforeB・ since C・ tha/tD. when 15. (2013 安徽重点中学 3 月联考)一Would you mind me opening the window, sir 一. I am feeling a bit chilly. A. By all meansB. Not in the least C. I m afraid no


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