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Unit 5 Theme parks..新知预习 每课一练(人教版必修4) 新知预习 一、词汇扫描 根据句意和汉语意思,从所给的词汇中选出合适的单词,用其适当形式填空。 theme amuse variety charge admission profitequipment minority fantasy experiment advance technique mysterious creature volunteer translatorsouvenir 1. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great (种类)of goods. 2. How much do you (收费)for mending a pair of shoes 3. Boys are very much in the (少数) at the dancing class. 4. He made a (自愿) statement to the policeman. 5. He was given (许可)to the college. 6. The teacher (实验) with a new teaching . 7. They made a(利润) of ten pence on every copy they sold. 8.0ur school has been given some new (设备). 9. The artist combines different (技术) in the same painting. 10. There were only three of us on the (高级的)course. 11. His childhood (幻想) about becoming a famous football player has become true. 12. A (神秘的)young woman is living next door. 13.She works as a (翻译)of technique. 14.1 bought the ring as a (纪念品)of Greece. 15.She always goes to bed at ten一shes a (人) of habit. 16.North American literature is the main(主题)of this years festival. 答案1 .variety 2.charge 3.minority 4.voluntary5.admission 6. experimented 7. profit 8. equipment 9. techniques lO.advanced 11 .fantasies 12.mysterious 13 .translator 14. souvenir 15 .creature 16. theme 二、句型聚焦 观察下列句子,归纳出画线部分的句型结构。 l. The big companies that own theme parks expect to make a profit not just by the charges for admission,but also by selling souvenirs in their shops and advertising them on television. 2.1t costs little or no money to go to these parks. 3. Theres something wrong with my bike.I must have it repaired. 答案 l. not just...but also.不仅而且” 2.1t costs (sb.) some money to do sth.44做某事花费某人多少钱。 3.have sth. done “让某事由别人来做;经受不幸遭遇”。 三、语法平台 观察并翻译下列句子,注意画线部分。 1 .China has sent up many man-made satellites. 2.1 cant find my tie anywhere. 3.Australia is an English-speaking country. 4.1 have to face the punishment. 5.His words made me lose face. 6.0n his arrival at the office,he got down to work. 7. Having a knowledge of English enables you to communicate with foreigners. 8. As a mother,you shouldnt have been so impatient with your children. 9.1m so forgetful that I always leave my keys at home. lO.The ship set sail at dawn and headed eastward. 答案 1. 中国发射了许多颗人造卫星。(man-made为构词法中的合成词。) 2. 我哪儿也找不到我的领带。(anywhere是由any和where构成的合成词。) 3. 澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。(English-speaking是合成词。) 4. 我必须要面对惩罚。(face由名词转化为动词,是构词法中的“转化”。) 5. 他的话让我丢了脸。(face为名词) 6. 他一到办公室就开始工作。(arrival由arrive去e加后缀-al构成。) 7. 拥有英语知识使你能够与外国人交流。(enable由able加前缀en-构成。) 8. 作为母亲,你不应该对你的孩子没有耐心。(impatient由patient加前缀im-构 成。) 9. 我如此的健忘以至于我经常把钥匙忘在家里。(forgetful由forget加后缀-ful构 成。) 10. 这艘船黎明启航向东航行。(eastward由east和ward构成合成词。) 四、文本感知 THEME PARKSFUN AND MORE THAN FUN 1 .What is the main idea of the first paragraph A. Parks provide a place for people to amuse themselves. B. People can play in the parks. C. Families have picnics in the parks. D. People enjoy themselv


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