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九年级第一次月考句子专项练习 I. He is afraid/terrified of the dark. 2.1 used to spend much time on games with my friends. 3. Worrying about so much will make you too tired 4. 不应该允许孩子们放学后玩游戏 Children shouldnt be allowed to play games after school.. 5. 我们为中国的数千年文化而感到骄傲。 We are proud of our Chinas thousands of culture 6.1 didnt go home after school until my mother called me back. 直到我母亲打电话叫我回去我放学后才回家。 7. What have you learnt in the past two years Bob asked us. ”在过去两年里你们学到了什么 ”鲍勃问我们 8. The boys were so brave that they ran all the way after the thief and caught him at last. 那些男孩们是如此的勇敢以至于他们一直追在小偷的 后面并且终于抓到了他。 9. Mr Green wanted to be thinner. He stopped driving his car, and rode a bike instead. 格林先生想要瘦一点。他骑自行车,不再开车。 10. Get up a little earlier, and you will caught the first school bus and will get to school on time. 早一点起床,你就能赶上首班校车并且准时到校 II. - Im not allowed to go out on school nights. -Hes not allowed to go out on school nights, either.(合成 一句) Neither I nor he is allowed to go out on school nights. 12. Reading aloud every morning improves my spoken English.(同义句) I improve my spoken English by reading aloud every morning. 13.1 like playing basketball one year ago, but now I dont want to play it.(同义句) I used to like playing basketball. 14. Our Chinese people take pride in Yang Li wei. Our Chinese people are proud of Yang Li wei. 15.1ts ten years since his uncle joined the Army . His uncle has been a soldier ten years ago . 16. I asked Mary , Will you fly to New York next month I asked Mary if she would fly to New York next month. 17. Dont give up learning English, will you 18. 他决定集中(精力)在英语上,因为他刚考试不及 格。 He decided to concentrate on English, because he just failed the exam. 19 .如果我们不处理我们的问题,我们很容易变得不快 乐. Unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy. 20. 他的妈妈承担不起要支付的孩子的教育费用. His mother cant afford to pay for her child*s education. 21. 我们应该关注我们的生活方式. We should pay attention to our lifestyle . 22. 一些学生应该被允许休息两天帮助别人. Some students should be allowed to have two days off to help others. 23. 在她妈妈的帮助下,她去年完成了那项工作. With the help of her mom, she finished the work last year. 24. 每天看太多的电视能妨碍我们的学习。 Watching TV too much can get in the way of our studies . 25. 你最好在课堂上记英语笔记。 You had better take English notes in class. 26. 他哥哥相信他将会实现他的梦想。 His brother believes he will achieve his dream. 27. 作为学生,努力学习是我们的职责。 As stuents, its our duty to try our best to study hard. 28. 我们通过向老师寻求帮助学习英语。 We study English by asking the teacher for help 29. Are you still afraid of snakes(改写同义句) Are you still terrified of snakes 30. The students clean the room every day.(改为被动语 态) The room is cleaned every day by the students. 31. Must the boy wear white suits(作否定回答) No, he neednt. 32. Lily has an English-Chinese dictionary,(改为一般疑 问句) Does Lily have an English-Chinese dictionary 33. I usually study English by making flashcards」就划线 部分提问) How do you usually study English 34. It took me forty minutes to go to


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